Setting my program on “not famous and still alive”

My tribe recently lost young female in ayahuasca ceremony. The Peruvian shaman must have been fake… I tried to explain to her family over the phone, what dmt is and that not all shamans are careless dopers…. but it was too late.
Education, experience, sometimes not enough to understand… well not all people are ready to open their eyes for the world… everything goes fast. What do we even know about medicin and shamans? Or yoga? Listen to your inner voice… my dear friend said.
We just want that it works and hope it does less damage. Once we see “the other side”, we think we got powers, and yet we stuck in the same reality mud. “No one can get out of here alive…”. At the same time the society we are living in likes those who are fake and praises the death on opiates, but even when it seems to be tribal, or family oriented, it is more of a gazliting kind of a tribe, rather than serving from the source of truth. Perhaps by praising the ones dramatically death, we ignite long lost connection with the spirit… which tells us, how far we exist from the center of our true self. Perhaps the beauty is in the vulnerable act of letting life happen to you, rather than push it and be strong and alone somewhere plugin your motor in service of solitude. Hard mix.

Our current issues are devaluation of the health and simple care of the whole of our humanity. As long as we separate body from mind, family from the whole, we will not be able to combine our resources and treat this disease of dissecting the human as we should. All matters of why we ended being at this situation are intertwined. It is time to discuss all this matters and not pretend how cool is to post about dead famous people, without digging into the misery they most likely felt while dying. There is no glamour in being famous and dead… The irony here has repeated since the times of Van Gogh, his sliced ear creates the classical image of suffering genius, whose souls was locked in mental box and yet expressed by the most tender of colors. We can observe the fresh tree blooms, translucent light impregnating sound of innocence he painted, and yet we cannot heal the artist from the isolation. This the juxtaposition of suffering child sight, through which the nature innocence was eternally preserved from decay.

Did he had to suffer in order to be great artist? In a way yes and no. Unfortunately the common death in your vomit was almost a symbolism of the most cherished “Club 27” rock-stars. Rock-star hitting the rock bottom kinda goes hand in hand for the symbolism of some true rock’n’roll. This of course changed with the way music sold its soul not for the devil, but to the dollar bill. And this is socially excepted. Artists can flourish and be famous bling-bling instagarmmers, with or without musical talent. Nowadays, we count what is seen to be the truth of the stardom. In reality, what we don’t see, is much more and highly valued. Because as we know, what we first with the eyes, but we eventually we have to see with the heart. The front is like art deco front yard on Miami beach 1999. All pink, peach and white. While behind the scenes, rats are walking over breaking bad leg. We are alone while we type here on the face of the book and slurp on the medicine to feel better. Facebook is the cocktail enterprise that masturbates us entertainment to sleep. Its goo to be back umph. I want o rejoice before vomit.
How do we loose ourselves and how to reconnect and find our way back home… to our “sleeping tiger”. To awake our breathing dragon we first need to recognize the trauma, which prevents us to be fully functioning being. Every each of us was born with one or more trauma. Over life time we are suppose to adapt and grow out of this trauma. Trauma is a base of all this negligence of ourselves, addictions, loneliness and isolation. The western capitalistic way of existence deepen this traumas, or if I may call them cracks. If one is able to regenerate and fill up the disconnection-crack with meaning, faith… then we have gold in the crack as the Japanese Kintsugi pottery makers did. Unfortunately most of us, don’t have the time for self discovery or have too much time on their hands, to play victim, to play with medication, alcohol and desperate slow suicide games. Most of us have been trapped years in emotional turmoils, which prevent the spirit to run free in joy. We are bond to material or other desires, from which we slurp happy teas, but if someone removes our joys, our fancy homes, cars or toys, we will be naked children crying out loud.
There is Chiron child inside all of us, which has been reborn in the sign of Aries, where he currently transits. Chiron is changing signs in different periods of time. All this periods are not systematic in a way, which means that Chiron reside in some signs longer than in others passes through rather fast. The Aries lamb is ready to burst new life from all this old sorrows. Reborn from the internal piscean ocean, now each of us has to incorporate the meaning of self service in the name of our own true believe. No more social, family, racial or other external believes will be valued. Rich, poor, female, male, we all have to develop and stand for the believe we have with a strong sword. It is not sword to kill. It is sword of honor. Our own spine cord to hold. The emotional Pisces dream is now transforming us as individuals. Can we create from a place of vulnerable open wound, while spreading tender emotion, without burning all behind. Can we be emotional, sensual human beings, who help and care one another, without enslaving our own believes, without corrupting our reality with someone else projections? It seems that we are awaking from this dream collectively and girls can get angry and be loved and boy can cry and be loved too.
Can we also stop being liking and start being real. We cannot like and love all, we cannot be all the time just having pleasure and escape all the pain. Pain makes the colors of the paint, which glow in the dark. If we could channel the pain and channel it creatively, this is what makes our world better place. That is why art is so important and saves lives. Not the career of the artist, not the success an artist achieves. Why? Because we all know how tragically the king of Rock-Elvis and the King of Pop Michel their life met the end. Because they needed that validation from the outside, or they lost connection with themselves, or they were consumed by the system… It is a sad story to pressure artist for an outcome. To stop creating from the heart and to start producing, trying to fulfill someones outside needs. But the things you don’t see on social media, the ritual of artist’s work, the feelings he has… while creating… the emotions and dreams he aspire before an idea arises. This are the moments we have to understand are invisible and shy from the other eyes. We should not control this moments, instead let the creativity brewing through the inner wounds, where magic happens. Magic happens before this point of expression. And no one should see this magic, otherwise he interfere with the quantum physic motion of the atom.

And that is why psychotropic plants work, because even if we have expectations, even if we try to control, after we consume them, we do not know what will happen. They inspire the unknown, they pull parts within us which were hidden. They heal us. If someone sells bad medicine, if someone pretends to be a healer and kills out of negligence… he will have to pay heavy payment. But let us not prevent the possibility for medical plants to become popularized way of healing addictions and trauma. They have serve the human race since ancient days. We have lost touch with the plant kingdom. We have to reconnect. There are no bad trips, there are people and their conditions. There are true shamans and healers and there are charlatans. I do believe the psychotropic plants are the fastest way to reconnect with our truth. But I don’t want to advertise them. On the contrary, I believe that humble work, discipline, sharing, loving, meditating, nature and care and faith, are the best way to heal an open wounded heart.