Sitting here on the board of a plane flying through the clouds towards north. Finally I have the time to write the things I have been meaning to write months ago. I was in a swirl of momentum, when events lifted me up and threw me like a giant wave on new shores. It has been over a year now, since I have been studying seriously astrology. Learning in depth the Hellenistic interpretations of planetary characters, their effects on our world and us and the methods to acquire predictive information. This studies has given me so much more food of thought and completely had occupied my mind and bookshelf, just like yoga did in my twenties. Since early age, the stars, the soil and the animals have given me the curiosity, which combined all together nourishes better understanding of my life, our humanity and what the hell are we all fighting about. Survival? I like to believe it’s just a dance of coincidental bubbles in a dream.
Earlier at airport coffee spot, I was observing the passing crowds of passengers. In my eyes the moment slowed, stretching like motion from the Koyaanisqatsi film. I remember seeing this film as child in my wheelchair. My mom had just brought me from hernia operation, organizing surprise party, with much films and popcorn. We watched many art films and this one had a great impact on my little blond head. The vast movement of our World captured through long monotonic sequences was what I was seeing now. I would gaze at each passing face and their wandering airport spirit, just like the film was prolongation of eternal time. What is time? Where were they coming or going? For me those ports were like portals of different dimensions. Back when flying was privilege, the airport spaces had this bubbly feeling of transition.

I loved this feeling, of being passenger. All directions were possible sparkling doors of the unknown. This last years, I feel we experience globally this momentum, perhaps in little less joyful manner as we were suppose to. This slow dragging us into internal thoughts of global concerns in the therms of Jupiter passing through Sagittarius. His arrow pointing towards futuristic dimensions, teaching us of all that is out-worldly, Godly, in service of higher aspiration mind. Through the heart of the poet each extension became lyrical explosion. Emotions froze through my body standing at the airport, creating snowflakes of ancient memories. Like I would eat snow and taste all the information that it has gathered through the falling skies. My inner clock went couple hundred years back and I saw medieval dirty streets, local, thick handmade wool, leather shoes carrying burdensome loads. As a little girl, I knew that came to this World, with broad knowledge and past memories, which were erased slowly through the growth process and the new information nailed into my head in school. No, I refused to learn and was rather ac/dc child, who did wonder most of the time into pink flooded state of mind. I thought dreaming was much for fun, than learning someone else’s theories.
Today we walk like we own the day. We leisure, we explore, we have become romantic and more comfortable than ever before the medieval times. In those days only true wild hearts would take that risk to travel on camel’s back or long train distance to meet strange tribes on the other side of their river bank. Now, we fly, while someone sell us lottery tickets and sweet perfumes in cellophane wraps and how many are even enjoying this spectacular event… when our bodies rise high on the wings of metal bird. It is truly amazing that we can reach in hours any desired destiny. And yet, we still don’t understand physically, how can a bee carry mass with the size of her own. This fast paced life, leaves us often without the momentum enjoyed. But in a way, our momentum of singular life span is so short through the eye of a Star. Have we been born yet, are we alive?

The Planets and Stars create their swirls, eternal dancing sequences without the need of our attention. Since our existence on Earth, we have gazed upon the dark skies in search for meaning, describing the shimmering figures in the skies. Organic perfection, creation of light reflected sacred geometrical drawings. What do these symbols mean for our short lived little knowledge. Even if we knew mathematics, are we able to decode their songs? Perhaps we should just let us dance under their stellar synchronous, guided by mystery faith. We continue searching for self knowledge and inspiration, learning more about what is on the outside. We have seen less below the oceans, but we already have landed on Mars. We explore deep space, but perhaps, what really matters resides on our Earth. Many cultures have documented this cycles and their effects upon the Earth. The Planets were “omens from the Gods”, which they took into consideration.

The Spheres dancing through the Zodiac signs, were vibrating in different rhythms the symphony of the cosmic mind. The traditions of food growing have long followed these indicators in order to build sustainable agriculture. Knowing how dependable our survival is on food growing, they payed close attention to the Lunar and other cycles. Today we so deliberately try to avoid this connection of Cosmos and food by massive chemically treated processes, wrong type of gardening and industries which provide food to be badly packaged and flown from one pole to the other. Uranus in Taurus, which is in the sign of fertility and agriculture, will strike us back for what we have done with the Earth’s resources.Clearly the World unified this last years with vastly growing ecological and climate protests.
Once gardening was high minded craft of precision, honoring the Terre by growing strictly selected types of plants, planted as form of art, cared for as singular children and freshly delivered for local consumption. These were the gardens of France for example, where people can still buy strawberries named after each region. This gardening crafts are now only part of some peasant villages, shrinking fast with the growth of modern cities. We have almost lost all our regional identifications of food crops. Once we had areas with family traditions to grow one type of vegetable for centuries. The soil was precious and taken into consideration. More clay and carbon in the soil, produced great wines and these wines remained with family traditions for centuries. With the industrialization and distribution of food, now we have full markets with food that is dead, chemically treated, transported via air often ending in the dumpster. How we treat our soil, how we grow food, how we distribute it, this question will be large topic on our humanity plate for the coming Uranus in the Bull sign years.
No one owns the soil, which is for all of us and yet mining companies are digging diamonds for small super rich families. Oil companies are sucking Earth’s oils to make profit for the few percent, which soon will be ready to fly out and inhabit other planets, literally leaving us with disaster, which if it does not turn into flooding as suspected, then we really have to figure how to sustain life in here. Simply extracting the oils from the Earth’s core is proven to create deficit conditions and change her behavior. Surely we can take the position of “who cares”, because the Pole’s shift is happening anyways, so why would I stop buying imported, eat amazonian grown soy and slaughter cows? Everyone should make his own decisions. Honestly, some people have no regular food intake a day and this whole blog would sound like intellectual balloon to them. But for those who have more than they need and still cannot make up their mind, well at least we can consider locally grown, seasonal, non plastic and non colored food. And that’s hard habit to adopt already.

My feeling is that the city will have to expand into small colonies, which apply farming as communal living structure. Permaculture is not a new thing, but it is a fantastic trend now to live in symbiosis with the Earth. The whole idea of city living has brought destruction, alienation and disease. With the G5 and so much media, air and other pollution, we must be crazy not to return back to the land or the cave, we emerged from. What are the implications of living in high buildings instead of underground? Today it seems that we are living in very special times, when major celestial events seem to occur. Let’s start from the grandiose time spiral laps of the Vedic cycles and their calculation of the ages. Currently we are trespassing the Kali Yuga age. The Age of darkness and technological innovation. We are about to transmute from Piscean light energy into Aquarian current. This will test our sense of wholeness. Did we dissolve and became one? No. The Aquarian age most likely begun already by the discovery of the first computer. And with the enormous usage of platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, we can clearly describe the Aquarian age to be flowing around us as metaphysical plasma, connecting social groups of interest.
We have entered a new way of communication. The Water Bearer carries the knowledge in amphora and pouring static plasma current, which ignites our free waving antennas. This ignition is metaphor of emotions translated through language, image or simple vibration of color, thought and sound in search for our higher truth. This is precisely what has been occurring with the internet. We have now the possibility to connect distant places, people who we never met before and share our emotions and thoughts in search of higher truth. At least some people are, while the other simply remain in the realm of their lower self and prefer to only expose their achievements on material level and copy ideas. So what kind of information are we ready to receive? Obviously if we are not selective, we become polluted transmitter of all information out there.
If our perceptions are dirty, we might receive distorted waves such as fake news and adopt pages such as Wikipedia for true Encyclopedia. Or simply embody the monkey mind watching other monkey selfies and copying the same emotion, which is not coming from our own Soul source. For some people yoga practice and for others simple, sober reasoning, have helped them clarify, how polluted our life on Earth has become. While the antennas of many others are receiving much of the garbage load flowing around space, those who are sensitive to the current state of things, know that this is the most important time of transitioning. Has anyone viewed the satellites being sent to our orbit?
Sitting here with all these people flying in big metal bird, I do feel one with them, simply because we all are on the same flying apparatus. I open my imaginary wings and embrace the rays. But many don’t, because they fear, out of insecurities or other reasons. They are not ready to enter this new
Uranus chapter. I am gazing with curiosity towards every living thing and knowing that matter is only an expression of energy. We are so little connected to our true emotions. They can be raw, not always joyful, but they are true. Just as the pig scream, when taking away for slaughter. You have seen that short documentary footage of slaughter house and how one pig goes to help his friend, who is about to be slaughtered? If not, you should. It is the year of the pig and I tried to eat as little as possible meat. Still not perfect, but when we grew pigs I saw how attached to humans they were. So every Christmas after the one, where I had to help making sausages of our dead friend, I decided not to eat pig. Not that plants don’t have feelings, but because I had feelings and knew the soul of our dead friend. Next time you want to eat pig flesh, why don’t you at least have the honor to slaughter it yourself. Here is one local pig-farm, which offers at least the dignity to see the face of your meat. (Most of this was written in the beginning of 2019. End of Part I)