Two Crowns and one Queen

Who wore it best?
After squaring the serious Saturn, Venus aproached elegantly her daddy Uranus, for an ultimate spring reunion. In the ram sign, she was blowing steam and swiping corners of neglected stamina webs. In her rulling feminine Taurus home, she is ready to glam up, put on extra gloss, strike some feathers, blowing sensual flowery aromas, asking for sexy belly dance, while golden kissing the dark clouds. In general this time, would mark the beginning of amourous spring season, with much need for indulgence on sweet drinks, carneval dances, aluring fruity ambrosias and sugary breads. This is no ordinary Uranus greet, after Venus had emerged in her shell from the thick watery Piscean depths, charged with electro drama. Is this good or bad? It all depence on how do we react upon it. Better not to embrace, neighter to push away.
With the start of this year, most planets were already crowding the Goat yard, where the trio Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter observed our distant Earth Home, through micro-macro scopic glass tube. Their projection combusts rather intense theatrical dilemas, involving alien darkland slow lurcking fears of Pluto, spiced by Saturnian restrictive, austerian, judgmental and depressive notes. This chemicals varpour like invisible contaminated cloud, farths from the Jupiterian ideological, dogmatical, prophetic streams of self recreational dreams. The Goat gates have been opened with red carpet covering the entering of a new VIP area, where our soul searching patches futuristic dream of unity. Purity non-alcoholic drinks, inspired by sober morals and positive Earth binded inventions, have been served at the VIP lounge. The Guru Lord Jupiter, currently residing his least favorite space club, is in no party mood. He is getting ready with the Lord of the Rings to cross the red carpet, into the Aquarian realms later in May. Binded in dramatic dance, through wich contracting and expanding waves will emerge around us, with few retrograde steps to follow. Energies of restrain and fear, would hopefully rebel into revolution of our spieces and expansion of our communial exchanges and responsibilities.
DJ Uranus now forwarding in the sign of Taurus has been playing wild disco rythms for the dancing crowds. What kind of disco is this? 2020 Disco, where girls wear green lips and boys break beat filter on their tv-phone screens. No one is really moving, just as on Terri Gilliam film screen. Something crazy is forming, where the Blue Giant is boosting with electronic sound, perfect time to make art, while emerging from half sleepy winter state. The artist is the creator of his own reality.
Mars had just entered the Goat party, bringing steady Bum-Bum to the ground. Mars likes to ignite with big woofing bass, driving the energies high and steady to the max. Mercury is already ending its first retrograde rivisit to the sign of Aquarius, creating MaD MaX memories of futuristic machines, digital hopes, twisting dream days with rollercoasting mind-rides back into the future, like weird dejavu way. This back bend is initiative for getting all the Goat club clapping together. Unfortunately Mercury in Pisces only good for deep mind diving and dancing on lsd, untill the Virgo full super moon light shined a dico ball of realizatios into this trippy dark club.
In Aquarius we wire mental awareness with humanistic unity cables, which connect emotion with progressive reasoning. Here, we channel higher frequencies, transmitting outstanding new ideas, sometimes unexplored, foreign and absurd. The plasma pouring Prometheus is the one who connects knowledge and craft with higher realm mind switch. Had we forgotten something? Last few weeks Mercury was passing through the murky fish water tank, exploring the areas of time, where “me” was dissolved into “we”. From the non-formal, lost shapes and forms emerged new reality creations, hanging like butterfly wings on naked gallery wall. The Trickster played all radio chanells mixed together. Some of us dreamed, created, imagined, others bluffed and worried, third made profit from miss communication, gas masks, while developing ways to put all stollen ideas into another fokus-pokus game.
What happened? Mercury brought us back into dark subconscious space, where no one can hear the scream of the butterflies. Or some people would hear the Earth screem and panic. Some got scared, some wanted just to sleep. With the Sun in Pisces and Neptune charging forward motion, the motorics of the dream, submerged into divine infinity of united viral melody. New virus born from the depths of the Earth’s mother vulva, fed on bat milk with crown shaped head. A new cycle begun with the new year, last ignited by the eclipse points on the night, when the Sun had stopped moving forward. This eclipsing ignition, materialized dark light, the kind, which we fear. Since childhood we fear the unknown, we know to praise the Pan’s flute, but also fear the void of his forest kingdom. Our subconscious colelctivly created monster, mutated by the frying G5 beam gun. The spread of desiese is alwas just a symbolical resonance of something out of balance.

First we ignited Earth’s powerful fires killing forests and animals, self-sacrificing for Pan and her rejuvenation. Then from the caves dark viral dreams expanded into the Corona pandemic. From the caves? The Earth’s vulva. In esoterical tradition the bat represents our ancestors, our kadaver flying machines with primordial origin. From the caves we came.
The Fallen Crown
The crown of the stars:
Looke! how the crowne which Ariadne wore
Upon her yvory forehead, . . .
Being now placed in the firmament,
Through the bright heavens doth her beams display,
And is unto the starres an ornament,
Which round about her move in order excellent.
— Spenser’s Faerie Queen.
Mother Earth has blistened our sad songs, bad popular electro sounds, feeding on ghostly divisions. She cares for her children, but sometimes she cries and from her apocaliptic tears, civilizations drown. Besides that it holds name of cuban cigar brand, mexican beer and the thorns worn by Christ, “Corona” the crown, has been for long crowing our mythological scripts and the dark night skies.

corona (n.)
1650s, “a crown,” from Latin corona “a crown, a garland,” in ancient Rome especially “a crown or garland bestowed for distinguished military service,” from suffixed form of PIE root *sker- (2) “to turn, bend.”
With many extended senses in botany, anatomy, etc. A coronavirus (by 1969) is so called for the spikes that protrude from its membranes and resemble the tines of a crown or the corona of the sun. The two “crown” constellations, Corona Borealis (according to fable, the crown of Ariadne) and Corona Australis, are both Ptolemaic. Astronomical sense of “luminous circle observed around the sun during total eclipses” is from 1809.
There is nothing to be feared in the dark, as long as we don’t give it a meaning. Since ages we were affraid of the magical sourcerers, the secret powerful societies, the unknown, the beast, the things which we cannot see. As long as we trust the dark, we will start seeing through it. No one taught us in school how to brew herbal potions and heal our emotions with nature and art practices. Witchcraft was suppose to be dangerous, but eventually is the art of understanding the and using the natural sources and living in tune with spirit. To be the “seer”, one had to let go and fall into the dark. The dark, was the “death” or “loosing” all. Letting go, was actually gaining immunity, having the powerful feeling of faith. The winter is the time to ignite the inner “evergreen tree lamp” inside us and shine bright, with eyes towards the stars. We would have see humbly the power of the universe, feeling safe in between all unknown and what we cannot control. We would simply give our praise to the nature of life, letting destiny evolve magically, mysteriously around us. But the negative of Saturn could restrain this, creating need of control and fear of not having enough. Now we wait for salary, award, achievement of sort, so we can be content of who we are. What is our life worth? A new day sunrise, a smile, clean water.

The decline of sourcery was depicted in the southern crown, which had fallen next to the Archer’s feet in the southern hemasphere. Was this the Saggitarian archer crown or the “Wheel of Ixion”? Many tales have been written of this wreath. Symbolically the Corona Australis, emobies the sins of dissipated man. This Corona was also connected to the “Solomon’s Diadem”, seen as a turtle and have been written to symbolise the Crown, which Bacchus placed for his mother in the eternal skies.
The northen crown Corona Borealis had more prominent place in the Greek mythologies. Named after Ariadne, who married Bacchus, the crown became the Ariadne’s Tiar. Known also to be “the shining one”, the Shawnee Indians called her “fairiest one from the Celestial Sisters”, who married the White Hawk- Arcturus. The Corona Borealis was also known to be the golden one, Crown of Thorns placed on Jesus’es head.

Two crowns and many stories. Who wore them? The northern Liberia Crown, situated at 20-29 ° Libra, is connected to the most holliest of Jewish celebrations, happening as the day of the Atoinment. The Crown was once belonging to Venus, but after Liber Bacchus married to Ariadne and she became Libera, who is depicted by the statue of Liberty. The Liberty holding the fire of knowledge is the Librarian, who has to make the judgement based on evaluation of the scales. Extending her wings on the Vernal Equinox axis, where the Sun would enter the Via Combusta judgment tunnel, vishiously appointed by the Scorpio poison tail. This are the darkest degrees of soul transformation, located between the last Libra degrees and the first decan of the scorpion’s tail. There resides the cluster of stars known as Akumen or Aculeus. The Akkadians called Scorpio, Girtab, the “Seizer”, or “Stinger”, and the Place where One Bows Down. Those stars have been known in mythology as the “blind stars”. The story of course, is the one of life in rebirth, exellerated through the scorpionic channel, which springs out as Saggitarius arrow, shooted towards the Galactic Center. Eventually this awakens the fetus soul crumb crying on the winter sostice Christ-mass day, which marks the time of initiation, begining travel towards self realizing unity with the all seeing life forces.

Do the North Crown and South Crown, appoint the process of rebirth and the opposites? As our lady Liberty symbolises freedom, liberation, but also oppression and tyrany, there are always two channels and two opposite meanings in our dual existing reality. So the crown presents both liberty and slavery. Which shall it be? What are we dialing for? Is it possible to have only one side of the coin?
All dials are cyclical responses. Ressurection follows after tyranical existence. Every rulership has its end. To wear a crown, can never be one sided experience. Royality requires numerous of heavy responsibilities, while being basically a “slave” for your nation. With the changes in the current family tites and string attachments of the Brittish crown, we have seen resently much of changes in the Crown’s backyard. Also the separation of the Crown responsibilites to her main land of Europa, we can already see this opposites at play. The back door coup stories of the Saudi royal family and other scandals evolving around royal symbolism. There will be changes and exchanges of crowns. Also the different political ideologies are part of the same crown, simply as a symbol of rulership. The crown destiniy of USA has been major discussion ever since its power was posessed by NY millioner with bad hair do and orange face. China’s mass producing to fullfill the capitalist client’s needs, becoming one of the richest powers, while holding on communist ideologies is a great sample of duality. We have been calmly witnessing contradictionary acts, while exhausting our hosting Star. Are we the Gods or parasitical slave structures, serving the pyramid tops, while ignoring the base. Do we care for the Crown, or are trying to free us from it? Is human like the animal, like the bee?
With the contamination of our minds through precious crystal empowered smart-phones, which are coordinated by highly destrcutvie to molecular body G5 anthenas, we have submited into full time monitored and magnetically controlled system. Our spieces dependable on air, water and food have polutted its own resourses out of the greed of this political system idologies. We have subconsciously and consciously came to an end point of resourse. The Planets have naturally apointed time for structural change. This does not mean end of the party. It means, change of authority, retribution of power, recharging instead big cooperations power into small communities, also change of slave mind into courage and faith in time of hardships and austerity.

Our possibilities divided simply by two Aquarian age metharmophoses. One is contamination of the blood stream, self-poisoning with medicaments, polluting our minds of vast media garbage thought and eventualy extinction portion of the human inhabitat, which ends in various of possible outcomes. This is kind of logical appocalypse, without the need of fire and water flooding dramas. But the flood perhaps was just a symbol of too much ignorance. Starting with the southern Corona above Australia as the burning bush fires, to continue as the Corona virus spread, this obvious dramas are self fullfilled proficy. Unable to control our birth rate. Unable to fit our needs into sensible parameters, we have been exposed to a new situations, where we have to prepare. How to rewind this is a very difficult process, which requres humanity not only to be able to look in the mirror of reconciliation beginning the self work on habits. Belifs are deeply implemented habits. Freedom means, to loose all belives and be able to remain liberated from all the does not trully belong to our being. What is worth living, if we have fallen into ignorance? Our liberation will effect the inslavement. It is called convinience. Are we ready to let go of our convinience trap asks Uranus? Can we start healthy habit work outs? Can we begin the day with rituals, which enchance our experience and nourish our existence, without distroying the surrounding? How can we implement this into our modern lives?

Cros & Crown
The story relating to Corona Borealis tells how Daedalus built a labyrinth, an elaborate maze-like construction, to house the Minotaur, a creature that was half man and half bull. Here it devoured the seven youths and seven maidens which were sent to it from Athens in tribute to king Minos of Crete who had conquered Athens. The tribute for the Minotaur was to be chosen by lot (sortis). When the third repetition of the nine-year tribute came around, Theseus inserted himself as one of the youths in the line-up. He got from Ariadne, daughter of Minos, who had fallen in love with him, the famous thread that enabled him to retrace his steps back through the Labyrinth. The jewels of the crown were of such lustre that the crown allowed Theseus to navigate through the darkness of the Labyrinth as he sought out the Minotaur. He slew the Minotaur, then, following the string or thread, he left the maze, unchained the young Athenians, and taking Ariadne whom he had promised to marry, along with him, they sailed off from Crete to Naxos. There Theseus deserted her as she lay sleeping. Ariadne was essentially marooned on an island, a castaway, while Theseus in his ship sailed off without her.

“the wise woman would trace her finger through the labyrinth, back and forth, whilst humming a particular tune, until she reached an altered state.”
In order for us to use the Uranus and Venus bondings for good recreational magic, we have to enter a zone of comfort which we build surrounding us, by using our own crown. We have to embrace the idea that all, which is not ours is actually part of us, because we have this magical crown we carry with strong light emiting from our “crown chakra“. Uranus needs that inclusivity of all, while in Taurus the sign of “my value, my possetions” it should translate into value becomming one. What is the common value? Our land and its resourses we share. Can you leave your city home and walk down the street or drive your car embracing all material and non material existence? Yes, when you live authenticly you can. Authenticly, but also beutifully connected to the core of all, which inspires love and joy. Because naturally the city life creates the opposite effect, which eventually separates and destroys nature. We need more trees planted in the cities.

This could be reflected through technology, which serves the creation of cleaner food in respect to nature. Uranus and Venus are opening the door of new physical experiences, which connects us to Earthy matters in mutually revolutional ways. Our experience in connection with the whole and the one, inspires new self realization of what is good, healthy and convinient delight mode to survive. How to sustain ecologically reasonable way of living, while keeping estetically pleasing and sattisfying life, within the moral ethics of our current conditions. This does not mean buy all the crystals, tree resins, make almond milk and eat soya. This is not neccessary healthy, neighter sustainable choice, what comes to ecology. One should be able to see all the contradictions and start from somewhere. Simply one bag less of garbage. We cannot expect that people will instantly stop eating at MC Donalds, such a habit change requires awareness or drastic measures by our economical model. We been rediscovering agroculture, fighting for more plant based and home grown forms. The future is maybe in permaculture and back to the country lands. I almost have nostalgia for the days when everything was dirty, smoked and r’n’r.

The Corona effects seem to question our tastes in health. The fact that our health care systems cannot care if such anoutbreak happens, means, we are all very much dependable on self care and of course helping one another. Clearly the pandemic is expressing our humans negligence. As Mercury is leaving his shadow of retrograde, he squares Hygeia in Gemini, creating tension of logic, exposing sore areas of global health care. Some people were influenced by the current Sun ray expressed in slow, dark sensitive sign of Pisces and had taken lower mind visions, wrapped in veils of fear. In times, which are clearly over strengthened by Saturn, this makes complete sense. Saturn projects the need to feel safe, to behave as squirrels would, making slow and steady work on piling resourses for the future. In a positive note, this is clever thinking, meaning one is prepared and more secure. The higher minded fish, projects feelings of being above all and no need to act protective, but rather enjoy the life, while one can. This positive, but slippery thought, could turn easily into ignorance, while obvious treat is inhibiting the dark waters. This shark overview of others being stupid in panicing, could bring feelings of greatness, but is eventually causing separation. Now more than ever we need the balanced concept of the Libran scales, where we can recognize what is fair and serving us better. There will be no drama if the animal knows how to preserve itself.
The Pan’s flute is testing our courage, while humbly we should be aware of the”great star rulers” mastering our time wheel. Lured into the Labyrinth, we have to find what is grounding us. With so many planets in Earth signs, this should be easy. Are we ready to enter the void? The eclipses and nodal axes had pointed towards self preservation, care for what is emotionally valid for us. This means at times of crises people come together.

I remember when “the iron curtain” fell, was eleven and much changes occured at the time. The inflation went crazy 300%, banks closed, mom walked with suitcase full of her savings in cash, food coupon system was introduced in the markets, shortages in water, gasoline and electricity kept us mainly in our home areas. How can I forget the long nights of candles, table games, kisses in the staircases, group watching the Planet of the Apes on someones car-acumulator tv. Food was calculated per family and I did witness sick, pregnant and old people struggling to make it for a bread on six o’clock winter queues. Once, we had only one sardini can on our four member family dinner table. Sardini never tasted better. Those times effected my appreciation for food for the rest of my life. I could never throw food really, well until I obviously became use to the full western refrigerator and adapted to the wide choice of food possibilities. The richer western life gave me a good taste of the World. There are many kind of shortages one can experience. For me shortage in imagination and appreciation for what we have, sounds scarry. In a way we have more than enough to be happy and survive. All it takes is just the right state of mental condition. Hygiene in this area is essential, to keep our crystal crown sharp and bright through the dark.

The poorest pay the price
Just as we speek spieces of animals dissapear for their precious nails, fur, beaks, fins to become part of our soup. Trees has been cut and precious stones and metals have been raped from the Earth. The times of Pluto-Saturn in Capricorn are very much the wheel opening of new authoriterian understandings. The invisible Lord of the Under-World, who gates what is beyond our knowledge and the Graeme Reaper, who is the last visible planet on the ancient skies, are guarding the realm of our Solar dimention. They have been nagotiating the bone structures of our new age pyramids. The reality bend we create now for the future, is calculated under the rythm of the pendulium clock work between Saturn and Jupiter. Ever contracting and expanding forms of breath into matter. From this form new authoriterian crown has been welded with the heavy Mars hand. New royal rules, will apply, after Jupiter frees himself from this cage. In the land of the Air sign, the community should break the doors of ignorance and recreate those laws, which don’t serve us good.

Freedom or Death? In the house of Maya both resides as far land under the rainbow. What matters now is how we make it till the eclipse in June, when the planetary alligment brings new insights and finnishes the cycle of the lunar nodes in the cardinal Capricorn-Cancer axes. Here we supposivly experienced the need of balance between work and our needs. We found way to express our emotional nurturing soul, while applying it through restructuring work of ethics, changing jobs, experiencing new ways of friendships and community-family-tribe based exchanges. Living more suistaining, carying life on daily bases, which enchances our self love and distributes healthy relations. The axis of death and rebirth regenerated a new cycle of soul reincarnations. With the upcomming Gemini-Saggitarius dial, the Lunar Nodes clock will stir up mental and relligiously-philosophical riddles. How much do we spong up information, how we reflect on it and what are the synthesis of the information taken. Gemini is the curious child who wants to learn, but has hard time to separate. The child needs to have fun, playing with ideas, but Saggitarius is the globalist of truth perception, combining theosophical and other bubble gums of multicoloured linguistic expressionism. This duality will shake our belief system, questioning our mental abilites in meditative neutral need for discrimination, while expanding our horizons beyond what we think we already have learned. Are we able to play together?