The rainbow bridge between the wound and origin of man

Shooting arrows towards the stars
When i was a little girl, i knew that i am here to only become more stupid and forget valuable knowledge that i carry. Children are spiritual beings who emit light… they are fresh carriers of cosmic dust, which through the aging process looses its power shine. I came with the knowledge that we are cosmic beings born from the waters of this Earth planet. Our ancestors inhabit far planetary systems and we are made of particles of light. Sounds familiar? I am sure that many of readers would feel the same. My first books as child were anthropological, geographical and biological reads. I was deeply intrigued by the mystery of our human dna, the story of viruses and bacteria, fungi, spiders and processes of magma and water. How our earthy paradise was formed, was the most exciting story in my universe. My mother had many books about ancient mayan wars, hidden cities and Greek gods. She told me that if i read about the Greek gods, i would be able to understand the human archetypes and psyche.
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Mask of Xiuhtecuhtli |
In my early childhood we spend lots of time in the mountains where i felt something godly, something powerful belonging to these high places. I had great fear and respect for them, which has grown this days into longing. The dream of city girl… i was growing city party girl who loved dressing up and changing different wigs, costumes, masks and decorating my rooms with found objects. I had already this mild disposition to become sentimentally attached to things and craving to preserve them. It started with bringing street animals to my room and collecting weird found objects. My mother would clean my room many times while I was away and throw all that stuff, trying to teach me not to be emotionally connected to things. I would be a sponge absorbing aromas, vibrations from people, tv, music and the environment. Crying for every fish, laying dead on surface of my mini aquarium. I would sob at every street puppy hiding it in shoe box under my bed. Being attached to my baby clothes, family photo albums, empty packages and all other bunch of glass, metal or wood made stuff, i realized that making poetry was only one way to express the feelings that burned me. Weather was ode to the toilet paper or sea wave… it was my simple contribution to the sacred world of word mumbo jumbo spellings. I believe children cry since their first breath until end of their life for one main reason…. separation from the divine light, the grieve of being naked in this hostile world and experiencing the pain of the whole humanity.
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Books were great remedy for this pain. I loved the isolation moment, hiding under my blanket, while pretending to sleep with small reading light. Book pages became gondolas drifting on rivers of words into dark caves from where adventures would take me in swirl of breath. There is quality in books that i prefer more than film… because i could imagine the things. I knew realized back than that films are illusion and the eyes perceive this optical illusion as real. What is reality? Who are those heroes… mythological creatures seemed more real than Santa. Well of course during communism, we did not have Santa for real. I was fascinated by Achiles, Orpheus, Vyaghramari, Gugamatz and Huracan. Dragons with three heads, titans, Indian fakirs, woman turned into trees, this kind of magic speaks to children and children believe in magic. Magic is the power to make your own reality by understanding the current of energies and their attribution. Growing as adult we are conditioned by the daily bullshit and loose this knowledge through the process of growing. As adult, many people stop believing in mythology and legends and decide to stick to “facts”, something that is as fairytale as tales can be, but that’s another story.
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The Wounded Healer
‘Only the wounded physician heals…’ Carl Jung
Some of my first reading memories depict centaurs and brave humans descending down into the earth’s labyrinth in quests for self discovery, love and other holly … The centaurs presented the wild human side, the one that wants to run free. I believe i grew up free. Even if it was communism, the way i was broad up was the way of being much on my own, doing the things i loved… art and eventually becoming this rebellious little shy kid, who wanted to express all the pain feelings inside… that she absorbed unknowingly why. I wanted this pain to stop… and so started my long wild ride between self expression, judgment, imagination, death and everlasting celebration of life. Testing different natural and synthetic medicines and exploring the cause and effect laws with friends, who were artists, musicians, rebels or just kids like me… in the search of their own truth. We were the explorers of universe, parallel dimensions and different speeds of moving light.
Centaurus constellation includes Alpha Centauri and Beta Centauri.
This is the story of the wounded healer
In one of the biggest constilations in Southern hemesphere lay the remains of magical centaur Chiron. He is one of the first astrologers and herbalist known from antique Greek times. Orbiting in strange pear shaped sequence within the outer planets Saturn and Uranus, it takes him approx 51 years to circle around all astrology signs. If Saturn has its return in our personal charts every 30 years, Uranus every 40, then Chiron is the one who brings the so called midlife crises around 51. Chiron represents in each of us the wounds of life we carry. Wether they are karmic, inherited, created in this existence or simply belonging to all our humanity, this wounds are important part in self realisation and love. Through understanding and healing them we all become suggestivly around mid age capable to heal others too. This cycle of maturment brings important role in the develpoment of human psyche. Without pain, one can become closer to love and radiate it through those healing wounds. The role of Chiron is one of compassion and enlightement.
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The wounded healing |
We are all connected through suffering
Shadow working is the key
Know thyself
The divine masculine in us is healing through this new Chiron positioning in the ram sign. The ego, or the consciousness i would call it, because ego has been so ripped of use in all spiritual writings and i think it has gathered dirty face, this consciousness awakes through healing of old emotional wounds connected to our childhood. Every person has this wounds. Every person has this conditions. Maybe some have it in milder form, because their wounds were not made by their closest family members and their parents could have been passionate freethinking adults, who have actually helped them to grow strong and free-minded. This kind of people are harder to control and manipulate. Manipulation is the stronger energy pull by an object….
Our society will be awakening to their brave hearts to stand more for their own truths and needs. The male figure will go through transformations and grow from little wounded boy into proudful joyful man, aware of his vulnerabilites and connected to his emotions. Because the worst plague in our lives is the one that suppresses emotions, this is very necessary transition. The rise of western culture which promotes stereotypical vision on how we should look, feel and act, has damaged greatly our society. People have been turned into machines who have no time to get in touch with their inner thoughts… and child. This suppressed feelings later take the form of sicknesses, passive aggressivness, depression and other violent mental conditions. This conditions are thereafter labeled and threated with medication and therapy, but no one opens the can of worms… which we all eat from. It is our global responsibility to stop eating from this can by suppression of the inner child. Children belong to the tribe, should be treated as equal and left to grow in way that is non restrictive and full of play.
This next eight years will give us the chance to release all superficial illusions about who we are. The fog curtains of Maya will slowly dissolve. Our hearts shall fill with powerful faith in our abilities to be strong by ourselves and independend (Aquarius south node pull) so that we can serve our family and society in the best way. There are two lions… like two wolfs in the old Cherokee story… one is the lower lion, who feeds on pride and arrogance and other is the higher lion, who feeds on enlightening truth and joy of sharing. Feed your higher needs, stand up for your rights and believes, which are rooted in our primary nature, to be simply joyful, relaxed and condition free. Same time, do not forget we are one lamb tribe. Protect the soft and vulnerable you, create healthy ways to coexist, clear all toxic useless garbage that clutters your thoughts, emotions and life. Chiron is giving us the broom to whroom…..whrooom.