Onça Bell-Cauldrons series are accommodating magical ritual practice to a new level. The series try to impersonate cosmically tuned accouterments through the complex use of material, shape and sound resonances. Each construct has been assigned to serve a certain musical harmony, cosmic force, through which the sensual experience of magical ritual, has been enhanced. Taking into consideration the use of sacred geometry and musical vibration, Onça initiated the Bell-Cauldrons series of alchemical assigned and versatile in their functionality cauldrons.
Berlin residing artisans came together to contribute with their crafts, in the making of 12 Onça Bell-Cauldron original pieces. Each assigned Planetary Cauldron is serving as initiation gong for the ritual. The activated Planetary Sphere energy is evoked through the corresponding musical key created by the Bell-Cauldron. The initiation of ritual magic with fire, water, air and earth elements, is accompanied with assigned accouterments.
Each Bell-Cauldron planetary chest, holds specifically shaped elements build from materials, that assist the Initiator on their journey through each Planetary Gate Keeper. The blessed state of the 7th sphere could be reached, because in each of us the divine spark resides within. And yet, our life is just as petals of a flower that comprises the blooming of our lives. Acknowledging that we are not the orbital of all things, not the controller of the world surrounding us. We surrender to the Planets, who are the representatives of the “Gods”, that function as administration-unity of the Cosmos. The question is how to serve the larger divine-whole? When we see the interconnectedness of all, as simply a choice to see the divinity of the moment in eternity.
The first complete accoutrement Bell-Cauldron Chests are available for Saturn, Jupiter and Mars.
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