Aligning with the Moon cycle

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Moon Synchrony
The Moon aligns about every 27 days (29.5 days in synodic cycle) to the same Moon sign you were born with, but it will never be the same. The Moon moves about 13° every day and according to the Tithis Lunar calendar, a lunar month consists of 30 tithis, whose start time and duration vary. Every day is also related to one of the Arabic letters used by many for navigation and magic. The Lunar Mansions have been used in astrology since centuries and define the positioning of the Moon as it circles the Earth.
It takes about one week and six hours between each cycle. There is also Lunar Zodiac, which was traditionally considered to be even more important than the Solar one, because of the closer location of the Moon to the Earth. Knowing how strong is the connection of the Moon with our Earth’s events and our bodily waters, one should take their natal Moon sign into consideration. Calculating in which position was your Moon during her cycle around the Earth can give great insights of the emotional sphere of our psyche. If our emotions control our behavior, then it is worth looking in depth to our Moon sign position and its significations. The Moon in represents the belly, the mother’s womb and our nurturing nature, she is the connection between our gut and emotions. The Moon is ruler of the Cancer sign and is responsible for our lymphatic system. Strangely on not so strangely enough the lymphatic system is the one that cleanses the body from cancerous cells. And one of the methods to cleanse is with water. There are different associations of which Chakra the Moon rules and I am not expert on Vedic astrology, but I feel that the Ajna, which is our Third Eye Chakra ruled by the Sun and the Moon is the one to consider.
I have to add here that recently the Nodal Axes of the Moon shifted their positions for the following 18 Months into the Cancer-Capricorn axes. This event is the beginning of a new Lunar Nodes cycle. I am not going to talk about the Moon Nodes today, but is important to mention what are this Axes Scales balancing between: home versus career, sensitivity and utility, compassion and competence. This are the topics, which will collectively influence us until June 4th, 2020.
Cancer ~ June 22nd to July 22nd
Opposing Sign: Capricorn
Planet: Moon ~ is a ‘reactive’ planet, subject to sub-conscious predispositions, feelings about ‘self’ and conditioned responses. It influences an urge to feel inner support as well as domestic and emotional security.
Element: Water ~ Water signs symbolize the cooling,
healing principle of sensitivity, having empathy with others.
Gender: Female
Quality: Cardinal
Cell Salt: Calcium fluoride
Herbs: Tarragon and verbena
Tarot Card: The Chariot
The Moon faces:
FULL FACE- The day before the full face is auspicious. Sun-Moon polarity.
HALF WAXING MOON- More light. Power up.
HALF WANING MOON- Take a look at yourself.
DARK MOON FACE- After sunset become clear about new beginnings.
1st QUARTER- Picking up, martial energy. Acceleration.
2nd QUARTER- Heightened emotional reactions. Maintaining the course.
3rd QUARTER- Distributing the energy. Still auspicious.
4th QUARTER- Finishing up before relaxation.
The Chinese believed that the main brain that controls us is in the belly. They called it the root of the tree of life inside us. Also modern medicine has finally surprisingly discovered the about “90 percent of the fibers in the primary visceral nerve, the vagus, carry information from the gut to the brain and not the other way around“. In the following chapters I will discuss the Moon positions through the astrological signs and introduce topics which are connected to this Lunar phases. They can be either negative or positive, depending on the activity desired. I will not dive deep into the Lunar degrees or variety of astrological calendars. My aim is to connect this mysterious cycle with other natural cycles, calculations, calendars, health, organs and physical elements. The beneficial purpose of the Lunar observations in alignment with our daily doings, body and environment is in the creation of personalized Moon calendar and diary. Only through this lunar story, one would be able in long run to touch his deepest fears, traumas, desires and successfully navigate his habits for mindful living.
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Mithra-Sol in a chariot drawn by 4 horses (quadriga) – circle of zodiac by petrus.agricola |
Moon honoring
Today is the 6th of January and special New Moon and partial Solar eclipse shadow, which makes this event connected with the New Moon energy. This New Moon falls on 15° Capricorn and the star Vega, which happens to be one of my personal stars and I feel this is auspicious time for this topic to be written by the hand of grounding solar Capricorn. I plant my word seeds on this emerging New Moon, wishing them to sprout into swirling ferns of lunar affection.
According to the Julian calendar and countries ruled by the Orthodox church, the 6th of January is celebrated as the “old Christmas“. I was baptized in Orthodox Cyprus, so I was always aware that on the 6th of January many cultures would have their Christmas festives. The 6th of January is also known as Epiphany Day. I learned that on the 25th of December saints were born, but Christ was born later in February. He was after all the Piscean man? “The truth is that no one really knows the actual date of Christ’s birth. Apparently the event was never intended to be included in the writings of the Bible. In fact, there is no record that Christ or His apostles celebrated birthdays.“. Kind of makes sense. In old days the tribes inhabiting the lands of Bulgaria had worshiped Iranian God Mithra, which some believe that to be another Sun God named Tangra. Mithra was born on the 25th of December, which brings us again to Christmas. “In his tract against heresies called Panarion, Epiphanius (AD c. 315–403), a Christian bishop on the island of Cyprus, affirms that Christ was born on 6 January.” Why all this Christmas born Gods and all this different dates to celebrate is another blog story about the Sun, the Solstice and Saturn, but in the beginning of January astronomically the Earth is closest to the Sun and we celebrate the Sun’s birth. This has nothing to do with seasons, but the fact that our planet has elliptical orbit. Most of the celestial bodies have elliptic orbit.
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Zodiak Wheel, Beth Alpha synagogue Israel |
And because the Sun-God has been ruling our calendars and traditions for long, I felt that the Moon-Mother is missing her honoring as she is even closer to us. Synchronicity on the 2nd of January 2019, China made history by landing on the Dark Side of the Moon. Could this mark the first close look the humanity made into our subconsciousness? At last we are ready to face the shadow of our human civilization. Appropriate time to finally publish this story. I would like to discuss in depth the relation between the Moon and us humans and to leave the 2019 Moon plan in the hands of ready generated Apps and calendars, which can be found in the info section in the end of last chapter. I have mentioned in my previous blog about our Piscean origins. We are belonging to the oceans from which we have emerged to build our homes on land. All humans are related through the waters. Ultimately the waters inside and outside us are effecting our behavior and life. And the grandmother Moon is this capellmeister who orchestrates all the tides and births on our Earth. Giving birth to ourselves, to our new selves, our future selves, cast through intentions flowing flower gondolas down the universal Ganges streams.
“As Grandmother Moon is the weaver of tides ( the water or blood of our Earth Mother) so a woman’s cycles follow the rhythm of that weaving. When women live together in a common space, their bodies begin to regulate their menses and all will eventually have their Moontime concurrently. This natural rhythm is one of the bonds of Sisterhood.”
“Women honor their sacred path when they acknowledge the intuitive knowing inherent in their receptive nature. In trusting the cycles of their bodies and allowing the feelings to emerge within them, women have been Seers and Oracles for their tribes for centuries.”
~Jamie Sams from Sacred Path Cards: The Discovery of Self Through Native Teachings
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My mother entering the mountain lake |
Blood cycles
When our living existence is in harmony with the Moon cycle, we can notice that our menstruation periods also align with the Full and New Moons. But often our busy life distracts this natural occurring cycle. One disturbance can be the use of contraceptives, which I personally had unpleasant experience with and felt they made me become different person. They had major effect on my physical and mental condition. Eventually I decided to rather suffer the cramps and PMS outbursts while looking for alternatives, than to deal with synthetic compounds, which are not personally designed for my hormonal needs. Later in life I discovered about yoni eggs, yoni steams and taking herbal mixtures or other supplements such as Vitamines and soothing foods. I wish this was taught in schools and Lunaception or other hormonal healing methods could have aligned my system from early age with the Moon cycles. I do believe that in a way through this “crazy” PMS feelings, women are freed from their maybe suppressed emotions, but I would strongly recommend all bleeding and suffering PMS females to read about “how to regulate your cycles“. We purge through bleeding and emotions, which teaches us pain endurance. Pain is inevitable, suffering optional. Suppressing this natural experiences with synthetic chemicals is not the key. But helping to understand our bodies and cycles, while using holistic methods makes much more sense to me. My mom use to say that red wine is like blood and even encouraged me from early age to have a glass of wine when bleeding. I would naturally seek for sweets and foods high on iron to help my body during blood loss. Isn’t it wonderful how we naturally seek what we need as nutrient?
I don’t write this only as yogini, who has been for long aligned with this lunar flow, but also from a common knowledge place, which has dissolved through the modern medicine and technological revolution. The first step of course to syncing with the Moon is healthy habits and observation. So lets start from the diary. Starting dream diary and adding Moon diary next to it makes perfect sense.
Moon attuned
I am sure that most yogis reading this would agree that their body need different fuels for vitality. Eating over produced foods coated with artificial color for a taste is out of question. We shall consider only the major nutrient groups of fat, carbs, proteins, fiber and sodium. These elements are felt differently during waning or waxing Moon and through the different Zodiacal signs. The body seems to naturally adjust with the Moon cycle by giving us hints of what we need. But if we want to make sure, here is general grouping of the elements (for healthy people).
Fire Signs: Proteins, Earth Signs: Salts, Air Signs: Fats, Water Signs: Carbs.
New Moons are the point where new cycle begins, then we are more receptive and planning our intentions. During this empty New Moons we are more tired and in need of liquids, because the body water levels are low. We are emptying. When the full Moon fills up our body vessels with water we feel more active and might encounter nervous dispositions. This is the time to manifest our intentions and take a nice flower bath, to throw a party. During this about 29 day cycle, the Moon travels through the Lunar Mansions remaining in each Lunar Mansion for 2-3 days. As the Zodiacal signs carry different energies, they can be easily separated in yin – feminine – passive and yang – masculine – active. Their characteristics are also divided between the different elements of Earth, Water, Fire and Air. The distribution of this energies has impact on our dietary and nutritional needs. The signs are also divided into Fixed, Cardinal and Mutable, which is used for planning surgeries and cosmetic procedures.
Each Zodiacal sign corresponds with an organ and part of our body. Every group Fire, Air, Water and Earth signs holds different vitality factors. Starting from Fire signs being most vital and Earth signs less vital and more grounded. Dispositions through excess for example of fire “agni” in the body should be considered and as Ayurveda teaches us on what supplements to take and which foods to avoid are of great help for harmonizing our body through the hot and cold seasons.
These “three humors and diseases” Vata, Pita and Kapha, are the foundation of Ayurveda’s healing principles. Medical astrology dates back till 4000 BC and it has much to say on our house chart positions and of course the Moon cycle position through the Zodiacal signs. To track this phases and be always on Lunar time, there are programs that calculate the current Moon position like the Lunarium web site does for free. There are also payed Apps such as iLunaand or Dara and also the standard printed calendars to hang on the wall. I personally buy in Germany the one from Helga Föger. Adding the Moon phases to your Google Calendar for example helps to keep observation on the Moon’s magical workings in our daily existence. Starting with some kind of calendar and perhaps diary is necessary in order to understand through the process of observing and keeping notes on how does the Moon effect our being.
My Rhythm
In 2018 I had the pleasure to cross path with this inspiring tender butterfly Clara Dorothee. She was at that time expecting mother and invited me to visit her family outside of Berlin in small town. I took the train carrying my heavy refractor telescope, hoping to talk to her and use the darker skies to observe the space with her. Our talks were sweet and bonding, like we drank from same dwell of inspiration. The hours passed dancing words and laughs and I realized I had to head back home. Her sweet youthful sparkle ignited a project which I had great pleasure to create with. Clara is a life-coach and regardless of her young age, she has the wisdom of double Cancer Sun-Moon and the adventurous flaming’ spirit that inspired me making the collage work for her Moon-practice booklet “My Rhythm”. This work is available online on her site in Patreon. Using the Moon Phases with ritual suggestions, can open new perspectives to anyone who is new to this practices. The diary site of the booklet allows us to contribute with own thoughts and visual expressions. For me the Moon is the guide of my underworld and my dreams, emerging during the darkest hours. I like inking this images from the shadows in my Dream Book. Writing down our dreams creates beautiful story of our subconscious life. Because with every 2,5 day Moon Sign movement, a new page of our life story book opens.
After we have connected with our Moon calendar and have started to keep track on the Moon phases, is easy to tap into the inherited wisdom of the Universal Mother. Using this wisdom of all the women ancestors and connecting with the womanhood circle will give you great support. Weather you are female, male or child, the Moon wisdom is for everyone. It is a fact that the male body is build of more water than the female, makes me think that males are even strongly effected by the Lunar phases. I personally believe that because we women are so strongly connected to the Moon via our menstruation waters, that males could benefit even more than us from this tracking of the Moon phases and using Food Rhythm or other system to align with the phases. I believe that because of the nurturing nature of the Moon energy, the male community could connect with their vulnerable side, which was dissolved through the masculine-solar empowered “Christian born” times we lived in. We all know the phrase “boys don’t cry”, which has effected our humanity in very negative way. Yes, crying is like menstruation purging and it is one way to connect with the spirit. I am glad to see more man taking active part in raising their children and being open about their fears and desires. I believe the Moon has already effected their male bellies releasing magical night butterflies, while strengthening the bridge between the sexes. If loves goes through the stomach, then we know what is missing… good enriching food and care. I believe that #metoo will be distant memory in the future, after the healing and empowering with lunar love-understanding of our masculine-yang-side.
Moon in the Signs
It is known since centuries that during Scorpio or Cancer Moon phase, no body operations are recommended, or at least not major ones. The reason for that has to do with the Moon tides and of course the nature of the signs. While the Moon transits the fixed signs of Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius and Taurus, would be the best time for surgery, because of the steady energy. But I personally think that Scorpio rules poisons and it is water sign, which isn’t suitable for all operations, unless they are somehow metaphysical (perhaps healing through hypnoses). I would assume that all Lunar Sign position modalities are good, they are simply different. There are different sources for this classification, but the old Hellenistic system on body part rulers has been widely used for deciding upon surgeries and such:
Aries rules the head, including face, brain, and eyes. Cell Salt is is potassium phosphate.
Taurus rules the throat, including neck, vocal chords, and thyroid gland. Cell salt is sulfate of sodium, a mineral that controls the amount of water in the system.
Gemini rules the lungs, including the shoulders, arms, hands, and nervous system. Cell Salt is potassium chloride, which builds fibrin in the blood, organs, and tissues of the body.
Cancer rules the breasts. Cell salt is calcium fluoride, which unites with albumen and oil in the body’s system to keep elastic and connective tissues healthy.
Leo rules the heart, and upper back. Cell salt is magnesium phosphate, which keeps the motor nerves in top functioning order and is also necessary to the formation of the skeletal structure.
Virgo rules digestion, intestines, and spleen. Cell salt is potassium sulfate, which regulates oil in the body, carries oxygen to cells, and is essential to muscle contraction.
Libra rules the kidneys, lumbar region, and buttocks. Cell salt is sodium phosphate, which equalizes the balance of acids and alkalies in the body and rids the body of waste material.
Scorpio rules the sex organs and bowels. Cell salt is calcium sulfate, which is the prime ingredient in the repair of tissues and resistance to infectious diseases. The nose, mouth, throat, esophagus, reproductive organs, and intestinal pathways need this mineral for healthy functioning. A deficiency opens the way to colds and sinus infections that hang on forever, skin eruptions which do not heal, and infertility.
Sagittarius rules the thighs, hips, and sciatic nerve. Cell salt is silica, which strengthens the nervous system, keeps the connective brain tissue healthy, and prevents numbness in fingers, legs and feet.
Capricorn rules skin, teeth, and bones including the skeletal system. Cell salt is calcium phosphate, which is the most important element in bone formation.
Aquarius rules the ankles and circulatory system. Cell salt is sodium chloride – common table salt.
Pisces rules the feet including toes, lymphatic system, and adipose tissue. Cell salt is ferrum phosphate, which is iron.
Through unnatural procedures like surgical opening of the body, we expose it to air. The surgical knife is also made of iron or some type of metal. This means that best is to ask advise of professional astrologer to define our chart and the current Moon positioning, or if we have already some observations and knowledge on this, to look into the Farmer’s Moon calendar to plan our medical treatment. For example any dental procedures done during Capricorn Moon, because Capricorn rules the teeth are not recommended. Aries rules the head, so anything during Aries Moon transit involving head manipulations, should be avoided. The different Moon phases also effect our conception and menstruation and this short but clear blog gives great tips on this topics.
The Earth signs seems to be generally recommended as auspicious Moon Phases for surgeries, because of their grounding energy. Air signs seems to be best for procedures involving modern technology. The healing waters expressed through the Water Moons should be best for anything involving healing and alternative medical practices. If you want the operation to be performed quickly, the Fire signs are perfect for that. Of course each sign separately has their own quality and bodily part ruling, which should be taken into account. Best would be, to consider if possible to have surgery when the Moon is moving through a sign, that is distal (furthest) away from the body part involved. Choosing a surgeon with Scorpio Moon would make sense, while a doctor with North Node or major planets in Virgo is also favored, since Virgo rules the 6th house of health and hygiene. Capricorn doctor is also a good bet.
The Werewolf waxing and diet
I personally use the Moon calendar mainly for food nutrition syncing and also to water and feed my plants. I have observed that my house plant life has improved ever since I nurture them accordingly to the Moon cycle. Regarding massage, nail and hair care, I have noticed as well that those Capricorn days corresponding with skin, hair and teeth and bones are perfect for that. The Full Moon also makes hair grow fast and thick. When the Moon is passing through a fertile signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, repair, recovery and growth is promoted. The dry signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are the best for permanent removals like waxing or laser (leaving little fertile energy to support regrowth). To check when are the best days for hair growth, check this Farmer’s almanac for example.
As we know plant pruning, feeding and cutting has to do with the Moon cycle. Just as the plants, we could benefit from structural regime with favorable times for gaining or removing. There also days when we need to rest and be still. These days have much to do with the waning and waxing positioning of the Moon. When waxing, we are prone to gaining weight. This is the phase to add things. When the Moon is waning- to loose weight. The waning phase is best for removing things. I will not complicate this system by adding here that each weekly day is has own Planetary ruler. This has also effect on us, but it would be for another blog to come. The fasting days are usually done for one day and could do everyone good. Drinking only water on this day or green tea, is beneficial for the whole digestive system. There are many ways to fast. For example the Hindus have it on Full on New Moons. This type of fasting has no scientific backing on how successful the results are, so I would suggest to listen to your body and decide what fits your own daily program.
The old Orthodox calendar has always had marked days for fasting. There are two types of fast recognized: Ascetic Fast and a Eucharistic Fast. Some days only sweets are expelled, others prohibit meat or animal products and third are only for water consuming. In general stimulating dishes are prohibited during the whole fast. The idea of fasting has to do with will power and simple natural food intake, such as cracked wheat, rice and water. Apple vinegar or olive oil and lemon juice are great liver cleanse. I am not sure how to connect the Orthodox fasting traditions with the Lunar cycles, but its clear that the Orthodox fasting calendar has many specific dates, which prohibit certain foods. Also Wednesdays and Fridays are fasting days. I believe that this fasting ritual has to be aligned to some cyclic system. Like the Buddhist fast is with the Moon cycle. This topic I would like to further research in the future. In general fasting has to do with clearing the guts from mushrooms and bacteria. Purging from parasites is an old ritual and it is connected with the Moon phases.
I believe that the winter fast prepares our body for the peak of the winter and helps it to be nourished and well during the darkest hours. And the spring fasting is clearing the toxins and rejuvenating the whole system before the summer season starts. The Chinese are known for their ancient system which corresponds with every organ, every element, every energy canal and certain daily hour. Learning more about this could be great mind opening step for our health care advancement. I dream of future where we have minimized the need to visit doctors. I believe we are self-sufficient beings who can take care only through correct nutrition. As Hippocrates has stated: “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.“. One of my favorite authors on health and self care is by Viktor Vostokov. The white Lama teachings tell about all the synthesizes between the elements, stars and us. It is my almanac for nutrition and care. If you read Russian or are lucky to find him translated, I would recommend his work is eternal and books are short and to the point. Or any book on ancient Tibetan medicine would cover the topics.
If our children eat according to the season, consume only local fresh foods, cook themselves at least once a day, the world will not only become less polluted, because of eating locally, but definitely dramatically less overweight and more healthier. Our modern professions have much to do with sitting. Our city pollution has hit record of 8 percent and our transporting technology has taken away much from the needed walking mobility. Eating accordingly to the 24 hour bodily clock is something we should take into consideration. For example at 3 am the largest organ, our liver is activated in full work of detoxification. And at 3 pm we usually experience tiredness, need for coffee, sugars or nuts, because our insulin levels drop rapidly at this hour. Everyone knows that small portions are better dissolved by the digestive system. To eat according to this clock would have great impact on our well being. I am not writing this as an expert in the field, but someone who has been studying, researching and trying to adapt it on daily bases. I want to raise awareness while walking this path. Personally I struggle with this clock, because of my full time job and other routines, which cannot always match the current Clock or Moon cycle. But I do believe, that through aligning and being aware, we will achieve better health, will power and happiness.
The Moon Void
“Not so long ago, I found an article by Estelle Daniels in the old 1997 Llewellyn’s Moon Sign Book. The article is titled Using the Void-of-Course Moon, and it offers some great ideas and examples. Quoting from this article,
During a void Moon you should not sign a contract, make plans, close a deal, or start a project. Basically anything which you want to have a concrete real-world result should not be started, signed or sealed. If you do, these things will never get off the ground, never materialize, have to be re-done, or have so many problems and setbacks as to be useless anyhow.
On the other hand,
… if you want to drop a bombshell, and yet have fewer repercussions in the long run, during the void-of-course Moon is the time to do it.”
– Void of Course
The Moon Void is something for the astrology practitioners and those who have some talents in mathematics or magical practice. I would not touch the Moon Void subject deeper, because I don’t have the knowledge for it. But this would be another theme to look forward to learn more about and perhaps put into practice. I think that this blog has touched various subjects connected to the Moon Cycle. After all this effects of the Moon on our planet and us and we still use mainly the Solar calendar? That is another big discussion, because obviously what calendars we upon our time and seasons on, they would rule our life. The Moon still will have her consequence, weather or not we are aligned with her. But perhaps this life starts from our homes and habits. If we connect with the Moon calendar through yoga or other breathing practice. If we apply the Moon cycle in our daily dealings, then perhaps the Moon calendar should remain as our private one. Just like the crab’s shell, we hide inside our nourishing homes and protect the most vulnerable and valuable of things through love and care. Please share your personal Lunar experiences on the nutrition and health care topics and I would be glad to respond to any questions arise on this matter.
Astrology and Nutritions:
Moon Magic and Coaching:
Chinese Body Clock:
Astrology and Chakra system:
Apps and software:
Dara- nutrition calendar
Surgery Dates:
Skin and Hair:
Nutrition Lunar calendar:
Yoni related:
Gardening Moon:
Lunalome 2019 by Laura Fairchild:
Cancer Sign and Health:
Tarot, Mithraism, Cristianity:
Lunar calendars:
* If any of the images used in my blog are your brilliant stars, please drop a line, so I can give a proper credit and link back to your work.