12 hour Luminary celebration
Onça was initiated March 2019 in Berlin, Germany from life long love of art, folklore and nature. Onça’s name derives from the Latin “Uncia” and also historically associated with gold coin, 1/12 part and also large wild feline. An ancient folk-etymology derivation from Greek pan– “all” + thēr “beast” led to many curious fables. Jesus was said to have been the offspring of Mary and a “soldier named Panthera”. In the Jewish anti-Gospel known as the Toledoth Jeschu, which dates to the twelfth century CE. Here Jesus is the son of Mary and “Joseph Pandira.” Some researchers have seen the clear links between this title and the cult of the god Bacchus-Dionysus, who was himself seen as a son of the panther.
In 1970 John M. Allegro wrote a challenging book entitled The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, which argues that the sacrament in various mystery cults from ancient Mesopotamia down to the cult of Jesus was the hallucinogenic mushroom. Allegro pointed out the clear similarity between the white spots on the red cap of the fly agaric mushroom Amanita muscaria, which is extremely psychoactive in nature. Another fly agaric species, the tawny brown-capped Amanita pantherina, found mostly in southern Europe and Western Asia, is even known as the “Panther Cap”

To the ancient peoples of Mesoamerica, the jaguar was more than just an animal; it was divine. The jaguar was believed to be an animal of the stars as well as of the earth, playing a highly prominent role in the mythology of the Aztec and Mexica peoples. Jaguars were an elite military order in Aztec society. Jaguar dens are sometimes found in caves, which linked them to the earth and fertility: The fierce Aztec earth goddess Tlaltecuhtli is often represented with a jaguar’s claws. The cat’s dual nature connected it to transitions, like the daily cycle of the sun rising to usher in the day and setting as it gave way to night. In time the jaguar became absorbed into a complex dual mythology, representing both light and darkness, heaven and earth. Our intention is to show the abundant relationship between earth, human and cosmos living coherent and beautiful life.
Onça remedial arts are exploring stories from mythology, conveying wisdom and healing, in an effort to foster connection to nature and our ancestors. We create ritual crafts with ethical aesthetics. Our work is inspired by the worlds of spirits, animals, plants and are observed through the ocular lenses of the moving spheres. Every piece has been prepared personally on selected, auspicious planetary positions. Every magical vibrant ingredient is thoughtfully selected. Onça Ritual Offerings are dedicated to the feline animal spirit and promote cruelty free living.

Onça’s community has collaborations with local shops and artisans, which contribute simultaneously in the making of Onça ritual accouterments and divination tools. We gather herbs, resins and infuse our oils ourselves when possible and supports small, independent business and local markets.
Onça has existed for almost three years now
and was intended from the beginning to be
something valuable and enhancing for you
and our World!
We strike a delicate balance when choosing the ingredients that go into our products, aware that we are drawing out of our Earth resources. Onça’s aim is to take respectfully from nature or other environmentally friendly resources; to add creativity to everything, and to offer it with gentle pride to you, our customer. We use recyclable, reusable materials and upcycle everything. With a heavy emphasis on sustainability, we are conscious in the creation of our packages. We put much of our thought in how to create affordable, small batch gifts, that bring joy in their presentation. Please contact us with any questions or concerns regarding our products, the production thereof or just to say hi. We strive to evolve and improve always.
Inhale. Exhale. Magic.
Meet Baba Onça
Baba Onça Herbals are wisdom passed down through the generations. Inspired by the creation story of the Earth, this collection of teas uses only organic herbs, carefully selected by witches. The series promotes the use of folk herbs and the stories living around then. These teas and their associated myths present by Alphabetical order the names of Goddesses from our world’s history. Their names may change, but their primary roles have been with us for millennia. Through this investigation of mythology and symbolism of the fairies, salamanders, undines, gnomes and Goddesses, we try to preserve and pass on these myths. Are they myths, if they have existed ever since the creation?
We are happy you to share your thoughts and stories on the way. Our aim is to collect folk stories from the elderly, in order to preserve their awareness in form of stories. This Herbal collection celebrates the long history of this digestive remedy traced back to Egypt and the Slavic Folklore. The embodiment of the Green Witch that lives within us.

What is Bell-Cauldron?
Onça Bell-Cauldrons series are accommodating magical ritual practice to a new level. The series try to impersonate cosmically tuned accouterments through the complex use of material, shape and sound resonances. Each construct has been assigned to serve a certain musical harmony, cosmic force, through which the sensual experience of magical ritual, has been enhanced. Taking into consideration the use of sacred geometry and musical vibration, Onça initiated the Bell-Cauldrons series of alchemical assigned and versatile in their functionality cauldrons.
Berlin residing artisans came together to contribute with their crafts, in the making of 12 Onça Bell-Cauldron original pieces. Each assigned Planetary Cauldron is serving as initiation gong for the ritual. The activated Planetary Sphere energy is evoked through the corresponding musical key created by the Bell-Cauldron. The initiation of ritual magic with fire, water, air and earth elements, is accompanied with assigned accouterments.
Each Bell-Cauldron planetary chest, holds specifically shaped elements build from materials, that assist the Initiator on their journey through each Planetary Gate Keeper. The blessed state of the 7th sphere could be reached, because in each of us the divine spark resides within. And yet, our life is just as petals of a flower that comprises the blooming of our lives. Acknowledging that we are not the orbital of all things, not the controller of the world surrounding us. We surrender to the Planets, who are the representatives of the “Gods”, that function as administration-unity of the Cosmos. The question is how to serve the larger divine-whole? When we see the interconnectedness of all, as simply a choice to see the divinity of the moment in eternity.
The first complete accoutrement Bell-Cauldron Chests are available for Saturn, Jupiter and Mars. We are also creating series of Bell-Cauldrons dedicated to the Cult of the Mother known as Magna Mater. The Cult is recorded to date back to more than 30,000 years ago, as the feminine figurine found in Germany “The Venus of Hohle Fels”, which dates back to 40.000 years ago, and also “The Venus of Dolni Vestonice” some 30.300 years ago. There are more than hundreds of figurines around the World, which all retain the femininity of the Goddess. The Cult of Magna Mater is one of the oldest Cults we know of. These cauldron series are celebration of the Mother Goddess and her powers. We also created a booklet dedicated to the Magna Mater Cult.
“And I entered the womb of the
Lady Queen of the Underworld
And now I come as a suppliant to the immaculate Persephone
To accept me, His grace, in the neighbourhoods of the Piouses”
Golden tablet at Timpone di Sibari (Comparetti 1882: 115)
The mother goddess symbolizes all phases of cosmic life, connecting all the elements – heavenly and chthonic, in one whole, harmony and balance. At the same time, it reveals the path of development as a guardian of birth processes and fertility, to death and rebirth.
Currently we are working on several upcoming Planetary Magic Projects. Constantly learning and transforming, adapting, exploring in the creations of magical accoutrements in a natural way. Our drive is to enjoy the process and to bring light in the tunnel.
Our living circle
These are the people behind Onça’s magical creations
Eliza Karmasalo– Born in Potsdam, Germany, works as Art Director, Astrology practitioner and founder of Onça Ritual Offerings.
Jason Morrow– Born in Los Angeles, USA, GIA Graduate Jeweler Gemologist creator of the Brand Jarow Accoutrements composed of jewelry and leather accessories. Jason is punk priest, cosmic shaman flying walrus. https://jarow.studio

Zabo Chabiland– Born in France. Lives and works in Berlin in the fields of photography, music, performance, video and sculpture. Graduated from the full time studies program of The International Center of Photography of New York in ’88. zabo-chabiland.com
Tatiana Baiko– Born in Sankt Petersburg, Russia, works as therapist for deft people, creates with metal and cement.
Nuutti Kataja– Born in Salo, Finland, works with sound & film and provides sound engineering measurements.
Become a part of Onça’s mycelium network. Lets join forces!
We welcome creatives, distributers and well wishers. Currently looking for ceramic maker, who is experienced with the traditional Japanese ceramic processes.