Zodiacal Tea Time

Taken from the Kelly Surtees astrology page, who I admire. This list makes perfect addition to the winter time. I wanted to share this with you, even it is not original post. Tea, book and night sky observation come hand in hand for me.
Take note of the teas suggested for your Moon sign and Ascendant sign as well as your Sun sign. Some say it’s the Moon’s sign that matters most when dealing with astrology and the body.
Aries rules the head, face, sinuses, blood, and the muscular system.
Best teas: ginger, ginkgo biloba, and licorice.
Health Tip: Aries avoid caffeine.
Taurus rules the neck, throat, and voice.
Best teas: slippery elm (bark), valerian, fenugreek, and licorice.
Health Tip: cut down on sugar and fats where possible.
Gemini rules the shoulders, arms, and hands as well as the lungs (breathing).
Best teas: nettle, echinacea, lavender, and calendula.
Health Tip: Gemini benefits from good breathing practice, making yoga, pilates, meditation and mindful breathing excellent.
Cancer rules the belly, breasts, uterus, and digestion generally.
Best teas: peppermint, chamomile, raspberry leaf, and dandelion.
Health Tip: Feeling good helps Cancers make healthy food choices.
Leo rules the spine, chest, heart — the cardiac system.
Best teas: dandelion, chamomile, valerian, nettle, and fennel.
Health Tip: Regular cardio keeps the heart happy.
Virgo rules the intestines and abdomen as well as the process of absorbing nutrients, minerals and vitamins from food.
Best teas: fennel, lavender, slippery elm, fenugreek, and peppermint.
Health Tip: Virgo symbolizes purity and food in the simplest form agrees best with Virgos.
Libra rules the kidneys, bladder, ovaries, and the endocrine system.
Best teas: ginseng, juniper, rosehip, licorice, and dandelion.
Health Tip: Staying hydrated with clean, fresh water is important for Libras.
Scorpio rules the bowels, genitals, and organs of elimination.
Best teas: dong quai, ginseng, raspberry leaf, valerian, fenugreek, and nettle.
Health Tip: Scorpios should cut back salt wherever possible.
Sagittarius rules the thighs, hips, and buttocks plus the sciatic nerve.
Best teas: dandelion, fresh lemon, and red clover.
Health Tip: Sagittarius benefit from keeping the legs active.
Capricorn rules the skin, teeth, hair, nails, and bones — the entire skeletal system.
Best teas: chamomile, fenugreek, elderflower or elderberry.
Health Tip: Calcium is important to help Capricorns maintain strong bones.
Aquarius rules the ankles, calves, nerve impulses, and the circulatory system.
Best teas: nettle, elderflower or elderberry, fresh garlic, yarrow, and echinacea.
Health Tip: Aquarians should avoid over stimulation.
Pisces rules the feet, toes, and the immune and lymphatic systems.
Best teas: echinacea, yarrow, nettle, rosehip, peppermint, and chamomile.
Health Tip: Pisces are happiest when their feet are well taken care of.
Have a jolly tea time!
More on the topic, could be found in here: