The dream of the electric pig

This story is continuation from Terra Divina, which was mainly written in the beginning of 2019. Imagine Christmas without millions of pigs slaughtered. Imagine the kids at school planting trees, cleaning the grounds, studying Astrology and learning about indigenous cultures. Imagine of Putin and Trump realizing the potential of merging the World with their warm words and instead of repeating the same war steps, promoting brotherhood by apologizing to all the people in their countries who have lost children as soldiers in endless wars. Trump removing his troops from the middle East and investing all american weapon money for hunger and medicine support in Africa. I know, sounds like a fairy-tale… but dreaming is how we can reshape matter.

We breed narcissist flowers dufting toxic air. I been laughing at the endless selfie streams on social media with viewers gazing at themselves, not really self examining or truly having meaning in their exposures. No one is recognizing that everyone is their mirror, every dark space holds their imagination and every light, their dreams. Projections of their images is the new way of self approval, kind of power trip, where you only see “me” and measure with others. Once you enter the light, there is only light to be seen. Once photography was considered magical reaction of chemical compounds with minerals. The ignition of the sparkling light, created the image of the given moment. The evolution of photography is like the alchemist mystery of developing gold. Using silver chloride or cyanotype sun process, each method reviled the unseen side of nature. We want to see things with our eyes, so we can relate to. Thanks to internet and mobile revolution, we are now seen simultaneously all around the World. What a magical thing this is! Perhaps very soon we will be teleported physically in any realm using electric waves and psychotropic pills?
I remember me as a little girl in the dark room with mom waiting for magic to develop images onto paper. I wonder if the kids born this year would ever see photographic paper growing shadows? We have photographed black hole, but we have not realized that you cannot photograph black hole, it is the shadow matter. Just like all that dark matter, which surrounds us. You can photograph your shadow, because there is light, but when all becomes dark, then it won’t be visible for the eye. We live in the age of eye perception, but to enter the Aquarian age, we are required to have developed all other hidden abilities. And it seems that most of us still struggle to define the shadow and they would rather take a snapshot of it and look at it. A black panther feels comfortable in its dark fur. Being aware of her dark side, the panther can use it as a protection and hideaway. The light can make us blind, unless it streams inside us as a pilgrim of the Sun.

“Lost am I in light supernal and on that light I turn my back.”
(Full Moon: January 10, 2020. 19.21 UT.)
– Capricorn Keynote
Capricorn is the initiation towards that inner light. Heavily barricaded by the Planetary Gods, this early year 2020 we are on the edge of the Mother Mountain, whos waters spring from underneath, forming the rivers through which we all connect. The rivers end into the ocean, which is the realm of the Crab, ruled by the Moon. All waters connect us. And we have polluted them. At this peak point year, when new decade cycles begin, the lords meet up for final conclusion. What have we dreamed of shall crystallize. The crystallization of our dreams is a result of our global group consciousness. The door opener Pluto meets with the last visible planet of Kronos-Saturn, which marks chronological perspective of evolutionary events which we collectively have “dreamed” upon. The outwardly Pluto acts as a magnifying glass towards the future, connected through the karmic Saturnian past. This handshake will snap a photography shot like a Polaroid and reveal the results within the following months. Have we fallen into materialistic, cold heart ambition for power and selfish motives for success desires, the photo image will expose all our skeletons, like an X-ray. Have we taken the high spirited road, we would wish to see us in the most prettiest of colors and shades with white doves sitting on our hands.

Our glands need to purify, but our water is contaminated. Have we forgotten that water brought life in the first place? What we leave in the water will eventually come back to us. And yet, we still suck on plastic straws to enjoy our sunny day. Perhaps with the entering of Uranus in Taurus, we could finally start feeling the primal need to reconnect with our Earth and senses. Our Earth is Taurerian, our Age is Aquarian, it does not matter, because all that it matters is simply to realize our bodies are not eternal, but the marks left behind our actions are. Should we look more at the animals to learn perseverance? Or dignity in the eyes of death? They don’t take more from the Earth than they need. We are adaptable to change and since we create the change, the Earth and other kingdoms seems to adapt to it, we should feel great responsibility towards our actions. Or we maybe stupid and wanna die suffocating in our own shit gas bomb. As the french biologist Jean-Baptise Lamarck states in many of his wonderful studies “The form follows the function.”, which means “ What nature does in the course of long periods we do every day when we suddenly change the environment in which some species of living plant is situated.”.

Nature is adaptive and creative. Regardless that the Australian bush-fires taking millions of animal and plant lives as sacrifice in short glimpse, nature will regenerate. This fires starting with the Amazonian forest extinction, are the very silver mirror of the plutonium truth of governmental and human negligence. Have we listened to the elders and supported their claims. Instead we want to cultivate soy and feed cows for hamburgers, while the Earth’s lungs cry for regeneration. We humans have always had the enormous pride to feel greater than other kingdoms of life and to do as we please, regardless of the consequences. We birth ourselves also without any real consideration or precaution of the possible consequences. Perhaps most of the children are anyways born out of “mistake”? Perhaps “falling in love” is something we have made up, which masks animal way of acting and thinking. All good, until our actions are not based on solid compassion, care and ethical motives. Often our motives are of pure egoistic origin. Just as the Bible speaks of the origin of Abraham and his first child. It took a magic spell, so that Abraham changes his and Sarah’s name, in order to achieve a child. Capricorn speaks of this miracle of the childbirth through initiation. Is this child born from love and care or was it just simple egoistic need to procreate, to achieve something? They say “love is blind”, but why then everyone around is trying to look like a barbie doll? Why Asian girls want European eyes and Arab girls want nose correction and European girls want liposuction and so on?
True love sees no color, no face, no money, no grace. True love is that light from the heart, which sees only light vibration and attracts the one that vibrates on the same wavelength. That is why “love should be blind”. Love has its mysterious ways as a healing river. Love becomes the glue of two people who regardless of economical or social status, should meet at given space and time. Love has its mission and the Stars are the missioners. Only the Stars know the secrets of love.

Have we forgotten to touch each other, to embrace more, to speak with depth and tenderness? Some ages ago was normal to hear family quarrel, children crying and feelings expressed. Are we all hiding behind the mask of “I feel well”, while being afraid to express our true emotions? Because we cannot cope with them, we have found false religions, false medicine and false motives to keep us busy from connecting with this emotions. Today all divorces, quarrels, separations become well planned schemes or social media tragedies. Toxic relationships and depressions from isolation are creating addictions and separations. Oh, how do I value a letter, where I can find your fingerprints, see how the ink is waving arcs of thought, swirls of joys or crystallizing salt marks of your deepest sadness. An never-ending dream of simplest exposure of the inner realms, for which ones builds walls, creates negatives to protect. The Lunar Eclipse is the howling Wolfmother, which breastfeeds all the children of the sour Earth. Are you ready for this eclipsing mirror?

I feel fragile and from every wound oozing ink of memories. Like scars on dying octopus, trying to find safe sand dune to pretend in hope of protection. But hope is hopeless word. Only wish, desire and well planned hideaway are the things that matter now. I still love the smell of freshly printed book. It is the story of a tree, which once aimed for the skies to become open wings in special reading ceremonies, became sacrificial plate for the hand to lay her dreams in ink. Our emoji lifestyles are atrophy to the words. Our ways of communication have become fast paced. Not bad, if one comes from automotive space of heart. If ones intentions are pure. And I don’t mind fast, but if it is like unhealthy fast food, then better eat just rice. Better have abstinence, so the purge is not poisonous vomit but rainbow puke cream.
We already don’t need to think or write in messenger, we have machines or waves reading our minds, sending impulses of information, just as the smartphones already do and our thoughts instantly translated into the desired language. Soon we won’t have to move, all the needed information will be wireless transferred as signals to all receiving antennas and our food, groceries and other amenities will be delivered with the virtual push of invisible buttons. The memory of cables, buttons, door knobs and key holes will be virtual sign of your brain electro function keychai, something which only 20 years ago sounded as fantastique story, although it was already depicted in the sci-fi genre. How dangerous is this if we are not able to control our thoughts and some not well wishing power takes control of how to translate our minds? It seems that we are ready to give all our power, because it creates comfort, because we have created the World in a way that has taken all our privileges as Earth born children, to decide how we want to live our lives. If we would have the chance to start all over again as civilization, would we make our lives to fit in match box housings and work behind desks?

This transformation is in the process. The grain, seed which is planted through the awaiting Chinese Rat year, will reap its metallic form at the alchemical “Great Mutation cycle”, which is marked by the conjunction of Jupiter with Saturn. They will conjoin few times in 2020 and finally with Jupiter entering Aquarius followed later by Saturn. This “Great conjunction” begun in 1842 in the Earth signs of Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. The new cycle in Air signs marks the end of an Era with the beginning of new intelligence crystallization Era. I see transformation in our consciousness in relation to the brain. I see revolution of small business through internet and the falling of classical way of trades. I see digitization in our way of experiencing countries, meaning that unions will create new countries in the digital realm, independent from governments. The Guru meeting the Father Time have spoken of the Earth possibilities. Perhaps the next level we shall see our thoughts and social interaction to bring upon something like material invisible structures, which become more powerful than we have ever dreamed. Empowered by new tribes of people, who want to be independent from taxes and political identities and make their own laws. And I don’t mean that humanity will move to live in Mars. Obviously hostile and not suiting environment for human to live and breed on. I see the Age of the cyborg… the electric sheep dream awaking through the new social rat cycle.

And how will the expression of art change? Our desires, meaning and hope shall remain the same? Peace, love, food and self assertion are not utopia. Life has dual nature and this meanings have been translated into the either upraising new age or nationalistic way of thinking. Obviously we are not in the Golden Age, but we have ever more time than ever for a dreaming. And what is this dream made of? Unity or separation? Long life existence with great medical care, while we demolish the nature? Or technology serving our humane needs, while embodying ethical perspective. We have became too lazy to care for the process. We want fast, positive changes, without the lessons. Maybe suicide capsules will be big trend if we continue this way. I personally would not mind. It should be a privilege, accompanied by virtual funeral ceremonies. We want to be individuals, who have their own freedom of choice to feel good. Feeling good is the priority and it can be bought and delivered by drones. This Uranus in Taurus seem to question all our desires and nature relations from food, body and health, to our values and needs to express. Uranus will come out of its retrograding position also on this January 10th. Right after the Pluto-Saturn meeting. During the next seven years we should foresee how this fast pace life transforms our lifestyle and Earth’s weather conditions. Here above the fluffy clouds, the skies are blue and the air crystal clear. Only few kilometers of air surrounds gently like blue veil our Earth. And yet, our highest peak has recently seen a massive amount of human bodies, over 25 000 trash bags and endless tourist lines waiting to take selfies on the peak.
The Earth’s processions of equinoxes and seasons will continue moving and changing. Thanks to the tilt of the Earth’s 23°, we experience four seasons, but this season will also experience changes, just like all old texts speak of big floods and freezing temperatures. Perhaps the fires are already the signal of demolishing Earth echoing scream from our dreams. Are we ready to sleep with gas-masks? If we would only consider how thick is the atmosphere… while we bring our weekly trash…
The Earth cycles are to remind us, how powerfully strong She is and how short our life in the glimpse of the Star’s eye is. How we will embrace this cycles is up to us. The ancients had offerings, daily rituals and seasonal pilgrimages to Gaia. Have we forgotten how to honor the feminine instincts inside all of us? A walk from Ganges to the heart of Himalayas was once taking months. The idea for making such a visit in the first place, was of course to honor the “womb”, “the heart” of our Gaia. Slowly moving inside her, surrounded by a labyrinth of mountains and swirling roads, this was life changing road-trip, that turned probably anyone to holy being, by simply exposing us with this magical grandiose powerful image of her little children protected inside her womb- the Himalayas as the gateway. I don’t want to believe what sci fi films project us, abandoned Earth, humanity living on other terrestrial bodies and great Apocalyptic floods. I want to believe in the hero as Avatar living in every each of us.
Today, only some cultures have preserved this connection with our Great Mother. What we have learned and what we still have to learn is clear. Every single person is responsible for their green imprint. What we have not learned, we shall repeat if he have the chance to fuck up again. If we don’t adapt fast through interchange for the betterment of the conditions in which we expose our children and Earth, we will have most likely mutation of some kind, which would undergo painful existential chapter. We are in this together. As Lamarck points out:
“It is not the organs—that is, the character and form of the animal’s body parts—that have given rise to its habits and particular structures. It is the habits and manner of life and the conditions in which its ancestors lived that have in the course of time fashioned its bodily form, its organs and qualities.”.
Obviously we already struggle with all kinds of mental, sexual and physical mutations, which are recreating our human organs. I write in plural, because we are all interconnected and our success is determined by the of understanding of this. No society can progress without affecting others. If the western civilization progresses, by being biodegradable, recycling and eating soy- acting consciously, they still continue using other countries to produce their needs and dump their garbage into. In the end one culture can end up being very advanced, but this is the only question of time, before the disastrous end of another culture will affect it. No Brexit can protect the Brits in their land.

All waters connect us and so were the Piscean age lessons. There were two fishes, one going deep down and one going up the stream. Only when both align and the light embraces the dark, we can progress. Piscean age was the time for us to unite, to integrate as one is all and all is one. Instead, we defined ourselves by color, by sex, by religion. We divided poor to rich and created borders. European Union might have been someones master plan, or symbol of unity, but we still treat East European members non equally. We still bomb Middle East and destroy homes, in act of care for them, so that then we can exploit them. How is this in a long term making anyone feeling peaceful? Are we ready to meet the Aquarian age? And how Definitely we need to think and connect in urgency to what are the priorities here and I don’t mean another church to build, pride fest to celebrate or soy industry to be established. We need to act fast in our simple daily workings and how we treat animals, stones and plants. It is a shame that there are 25 more zoos build in China, while taking photos with tortured tigers and elephants becomes another Instagram trend. Precious stones are great remedy, only for those who know about their chemistry, have geological education, have daily energy practice and understand that there is no energy that stones produce, which we cannot accumulate through certain practices. But also if abused stones can transmit dangerous destructive waves. They are the “old ones” after all. What do we know?
Understanding the principles of nature, while living in simple humble form of existence, is the true magical practice given to us by nature. There is no need of any external “magical potion” to fix us, because if we are aligned with our inner elements and the Earth’s body, we can emit light and guide us through the dark. Of course education and media are important factors, but there is certainly overflow of information. I believe that human interaction and practice, curiosity and humble approach in everything should eventually bring a person on the right terms with the natural laws. Embracing our shadow has been one of the major self-conscious realizations. The Pluto movement through Capricorn has been digging out all our buried skeletons. Depending on house position and natal sign it gives us clues which area of life is transformed. The Underground Lord has been carrying all the forces connected to structure and creation of systems in discussion with the Father Time- Saturn.
This is by no means easy talk. Both slow moving planets in cardinal Capricorn are about to meet after their retrograde retreats next winter. ( I wrote this year ago). Saturn has questions on liability, integration, functionality, grounding and structures of order. He is seeking authority, knowledge and mastery in all matters connected to the Terra. As feminine energy transmitted through the mythical Sea-goat, the wisdom of our ancestors encapsulated through ancient structures and seeds have to be revised. Saturn in Capricorn has enjoyed the time digging out what is not working properly, pushing us towards serious integration of our ability to get more organized, work harder in the perspective of our needs and create structures in our material and social realm. Persistent work, should bring us either heavy learning times, to those who were mainly living hedonistic lives, or rewarding results, to those who were not afraid of hard labor, regulated expression of needs and sharing the knowledge through joy and compassionate coexistence with others. Capricorn builds for the future, cares for the ancestors, the parents and is limiting on resources, but abundant on achievements to those who are not afraid to face their melancholy and repair missing, damaged parts in their behavior. Cardinal signs point to action and make changes. Revisiting the past with Pluto and his big heart, we are to foresee what is missing in our lives.

While building cyborgs, we will have more time than ever to embrace this needs of self expression. The dragon head Ketu is pointing towards the Cancer knot. The shadow of our needs to succeed materially are hidden inside, like a shy child which wants to feel secure, to enjoy and be nourished. Inside the Crab womb shell is encapsulated the supportive and
protective power of our feminine instincts. This primordial instincts are fed through emotional support and care of what’s making us feel good. The balance of emotion and material restructuring is playing a major role in this following year and a half. The cancerian water will flood and reject this, which does not serve our best interest. In this case many material structures might go reconstruction of value or simple destruction. While the slow big Planetary Gods are purging our ghost and bone spirit closets, the Lunar Nodes are recycling old emotions and desires. All the blockages of urges for success, to have more than needed, to manipulate in order to achieve, to calculate instead of love, all this will point into the balance of family work, meaningful cooperation, care for one another, work with awareness of the consequences and planning for the betterment of our own family and through it for the society at large. This feminine Lunar Node axes are crowned with Saros Cycle eclipses, which seem to have begun in the 16th Century. These eclipses are points through which the eternal Snake rides. She brings our humanity into new parallels of global consciousness and realigns us with the Galactic Center. Capricorn is the ruler of the traditional 10th house of profession, while Cancer is the traditional 4th house. Our home, mother and foundation. We live on the step of technical reinvention of our bodies as fully functional cyborgs.

The Blade Runner times are here. The first Cyborg Science Museum is opening already in Seoul, while 3D houses have been printed, without need of human touch and painted by programmed drones. How we gonna use this inventions and what change of our work moral and need of nourishment will be configured, are questions of divination and unity (material and internal matter). As the summer and winter solstices are moments of change, these cardinal points are also old doorways. Each person has the power to decide his participation through will in balancing his visionary act. You can either honor the Snake or ride it. Either way, watch out for your head. I know this last years, has been like magnanimous pressure cooker period. And especially the last half 2019 year, has brought us so much tension. This period has been so hard on many, which I think it could be experienced best, if we could share our feelings and remain open. Because in the end, no matter how stupid the political decisions can be, we are the people and have the power of own will. Yes we do. The ancients did it with rituals of hunger, feast, fast, pray, eating, music and dance. Now we think we are “modern” society, but many of us have been disconnected to the roots and our tribes. No wonder the wave of nationalism is expressed so strongly. It is the natural cancerian need of protection, but when done in manner of fear and rejection, we fail to stabilize our ground (Rahu). The Lunar Nodes are connected with this invisible dark line, so we cannot achieve one, without holding firmly to the other.
What we really require more than anything today is to reconnect with our roots. Our own family and society ones, clearing old traumas, our child dreams, connecting more with the neighborhood, collective interaction, expressed through the butterfly wing effect. Healing with sound our nations and last but most importantly our Earth. Music as invisible form of healing can fix vibrations. Let us create our own sound… you don’t need to be a musician to be able to create.
The Planets will forever interact with us through their synchronous symphonies. Let us hear their cosmic sounds. May we heal. Life is sacred. Respect for the great Mother. I am thankful for anyone who read all this… is my message, spread your wings.

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Awesome post! Keep up the great work! 🙂
Thank You so much! I will.