Joggling fiery Space Balls

Next swims the Southern Fish, which bears a Name
– Sphaera 1903
From the South-Wind, and spreads a feeble Flame.
To him the Flouds in spacious windings turn
One fountain flows from cold Aquarius’ Urn;
And meets the other where they joyn their Streams
One Chanel keep, and mix the starry Beams.
The Golden Age
The coming of Pisces was long awaited and heralded as the blessed age, introduced by thrice-repeated Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Pisces in the year 6 B.C., that was the star of Bethlehem. Virgil announced the return of the Golden Age under the rule of Saturn: “Now the Virgin returns, the reign on Saturn returns, now a new generation descends from heaven on high. Only thou, pure Lucina, smile on the birth of the child, under whom the iron brood shall first cease, and a golden race spring up throughout the world!”.
Iam redit et Virgo, redeunt Saturnia regna.
– Virgil, Fourth Eclogue
Virgo would indicate the autumnal equinox at the time when Pisces took over the celestial government of the vernal equinox, at the new crossroads. The ancients had enough instruments to detected this slow motion, that applied to the whole sky and Hipparchus in 127 B.C. named it The Precession of the Equinoxes. Modern archaeologists and scholars have been ignorant about this and there is not enough evidence, when exactly and which culture discovered first this astral occurrence. This ignorance is of course the beginning of split thought of separation on history, archaeology, astronomy, astrology and the whole story of myth and the creation of the World, that is of great value for better understanding of life. Today the Precession is well established fact, not effected by space and time continuum. The ancients believed that this great cycles could effect humanity as a whole. “They were astronomers and astrologers, that believed that the sliding of the sun along the equinoctial point affected the frame of the cosmos and determined a succession of world-ages under different zodiacal signs. They had found a large peg on which to hang their thoughts about cosmic time, which brought all things in fateful order. Today, that order has lapsed, like the idea of the cosmos itself. There is only history, which has been felicitously defined as “one damn thing after another.” – from Hamlet’s Mill book.

You are perfect
Regardless of what the common schools teach our children, our fiery space ball has been traveling through many centuries, appearing in stories inspired by the different symbolic creatures, the fish, or the dolphin, or the shark… whatever you want to call the golden Piscean energy has tattooed the times we live in. This was the age of Jesus, Mohamed and Buddha. And you would ask, but why did this age marked so much wars and division and pains, far from experiencing the World as one consciousness? This loving warm fluff traveling through the void of time, was perhaps wrongly understood. What did we learn from all the religious teachings that separated us? Or did someone use it for purposes that were meant to fill our faith with illusion? And you would be right to ask all this questions. Perhaps not everyone was ready for the initiation of the golden fluff ball. Such is the mysterious nature of life, eternal learning, while dancing on the string of time, untangling universal understandings, while holding on to daily routines and survival.
Somewhere along the path, separation happened. Because of the different experience, the two fishes divide. One going down and one up; where the bottom fish is in fear and there understanding cannot serve as empowering love glue, while the upper fish holds the key of higher frequencies. We often fail to see that Jupiter magic here can expand joyful realms, but could also bring out dark illusions, waters filled with fish tails bleeding out from ignorance. Such is the nature of dreams, they can be projected and serve as magical films, which guide us to certain realities, but if we are not able to see within, the subconscious penetrated by the light residing in our star brushed heart, we lose grip in this dream waters, mistaking illusions for awareness. To be aware requires you to navigate with your eyes within the dark realms of your inner ocean. It teaches you to breath and swim, instead of drowning.

The ultimate task of the two fishes is to unite the Yin and Yang energies, melting the conscious with the milk of origin. The tripping mind, which creates fractals unifying the time clock, back into the sublime eternal momentum, might trick itself to do it for a purpose. This should be no escape for the mind, but a bliss of joy and purity washing the soul with white primal light. Here we meditate, not to go out of the realm, but to become one with it. To transcend the thoughtless dream and visualize the divine reality of emptiness stretched between the polarities of the fish sign. This request of no back motives and warrior heart. When in fear, tripping balls becomes a long journey down into the primordial dark.

The drunken fish age brought us on a distant shores, far from our Earth center. Emerging from the waters, with fish belly woven on nano plastic sea weed. We have drugged the sea on pharmaceuticals, dried our rivers, exhausted our bodies with GMO foods, poisoning the soil we walk above. Contrary to forgiveness, unity and peace, we have experiences many wars. Instead of forgiveness, we have created asylums, jails and bars, where our emotions dance in the alcohol waters. This divisions begun with the conquering of lands, establishing colonies, creating weapons for mass destruction, while unifying lands under political flags. Our unity was expressed under nationalities, instead of tribes, divided by passports and newly written histories, demanding patriotic feelings. Erasing the awareness that once many of the languages we feel related to, emerged from larger language groups, living in amnesia of spelling and symbolism, we have forgotten how to connect back with our parents- the celestial bodies residing constellation worlds of stars.

Observing the space through telescopes, the inner body through microscopes, we have lost our touch with the whole. Keeping animals in zoos- we have forgotten how to hunt and sit in owe with the setting sun. Seeking unification through smaller nationality groups, while globalizing economies, so land can be sold easier to enrich only specific cooperation and families. The false projection of unification under left and right political ideologies, has blinded us, separating us from far more richer in ideas human spirit. We have given communism and capitalism such a great meanings, without noticing how much both are the same coin different side. Today we can clearly see the structure of the matrix imposed, which serves as a net, where our Fish Age resides. The structure of illusions build to hold us captive, so much alive, that we can just serve as a dinner to the powers, that continuously exploit us and the Earth resources. We have given ourselves blindly to beliefs, that separate the two fishes in Pisces.

Yet, we have lived to hear progress of music and development of electronic sounds. Powerful new spiritual teachers have spoken, Sufi poets have inspired, dervish dancers and singing styles have emerged from this Piscean Age. Many took their subconscious glimpse to the outer, crafting eternal beauty from the many colorful shells found in their subconscious delirious realms. Perhaps the fishes gave us deep emotional knowledge, stretching from painful to loving and kind. During the Age of Pisces, we did create magical shrines, books of rhymes and songs of soul, kneaded breads feeding with beauty. This was the age of new spiritual sciences and revival of many freedoms in the shape of artistic expressions. We have seen fashion and art, music, dance, architecture and academia and technology bloom in most eccentric ways. We have experienced space travel, culinary phantasiertes of intercontinental tastes and communication in almost intergalactic manner. But we have forgotten from where we once emerged.

Only through my fourtytwo years of living in this momentum, I have experienced two major political systems, evolution of medicine, possibility to talk via screen, to record my thoughts digitally and store all in virtual cloud space. But does not this sound already like the Age of Aquarius?

Yes, apparently we have entered the Aquarius Age in the beginning of the 19th century, while the Aquarius Cycle will officially begin in year 2338. Some say it begun in 2309 BC, or in 1912, others in 1960s after the Dionysion Wave. I think that for sure with the discovery of the computer, the progression of communication services and devices, with the uniting power of social media platforms, we can recognize the workings of the Aquarius magic. Unfortunately at the moment this workings cannot display the level of universal consciousness, simply because selective algorithms empower only certain information to be received by the individual, guarded by medias, corporation businesses, ruled by politically operated strings of the fisherman. This is the same fisherman, who erased purposely the divine message from the ancient times, turning it into religious dogma. This is the double faced fisherman, who had interest to captivate the fish, feeding it with deception. The internet is as corrupted, as dark fish from the Pisces combo, which resides in the net, somehow alive, but unable to swim free. These fishes, that have managed to escape the matrix, have brought back knowledge of the origins, reviving old memories, stored inside our bellies. This is the beginning of how we want this World wide web to be spreading, while catching freely pears from every level of the sea. We are our own prisoners of the rules we have have given power to.

Sweet child of the stars
Many humanly questions need time to be resolved, that would allow us to transit into the Aquarius Age, progressing together as human race. But this Ages are given names and meaning by us humans? They do not exists, unless we create calendars and calculate the Precession of the Equinoxes and have religious backgrounds. Perhaps this calculations are important to us? The ancients knew of this calculations and used them as navigator through time, to measure what are the energies of the stellar current, which effects the overall symphony of the Earth songs. This is a wisdom knitted in our myths, legends holding a key to the mysteries of life? Perhaps this cyclic mysteries help us remain on course, not bothered by the outcome. Because every cycle has inevitable beginnings and endings. Knowing this circuits, would free us from expectations. As long as our mind is imprisoned and our authenticity- masked with false beliefs, disconnected from our true heart desire, we will be unsuccessful to define the parameters of our dreams. We would create false moral and dilemmas, rejecting freedom of thought and speech. We would not be able to rest in the cosmic cradle and enjoy the ride as it is. If the Precession was seen as the great clock of the Universe, the sun, as it shifted at the equinox, remained the measure of all measures, the “golden cord”, as Socrates says in Theaetetus. We cannot control the space, even if we calculate it in linear time. What could be useful, is simply to be aware of this cosmic pendulum and its processions. Because as we learn on the way, becoming more aware of the skies, which are hard to see in our big city lives, we should not trust the historians, who claim that Stonehenge was build by “howling barbarians”. It is time we look closer as above, so below into the ground. This is the Age of occultism and the time to lift certain illusionär veils imposed on us. If we can con-spire, or “breath together”, we could expand our universal consciousness. But this journey begins of course first from within.

Aquarius is fixed, air sign, masculine and ruling the 11th house of the zodiacal wheel. The sign is ruling the lower part of the human body, below the knee of the feet to the ankles. Its natural planetary Lord is Saturn and secondary ruler is Uranus. The opposite sign of Aquarius is Leo. Jupiter is the esoteric ruler of the sign and second ray of Love-Wisdom. Mercury is exalted in the sign of Aquarius. The Aquarius Age aim is one of solidarity, humanity and intellectual progress, done under the mastery eye of Saturn. The Karma Lord here grants us with emotional intelligence, setting boundaries of spiritual reasoning. Without purity of consciousness and valid motivation, which is not self-centered and yet is beginning from the true authentic heart -Leo, we will not be able to create World, that serves all levels of humanity, without social, ethnic or other divisions. Aquarian energetic principles here, will encourage innovative way of thinking, out of the old standard thought, breaking boundaries and cementing new revolutionary visions. Here Uranus as secondary ruler, grants with independent resolutions and technological upheaval. It gives strength to anything out of the norms. Perhaps bonding of spirit and matter in ways never thought before. This could become active breakage of the old socialist-capitalist coin, synthesizing it into new social-economical solutions. Because the two ideologies of individualism and socialism require new expression, through valid purposeful solution. How can we build without depletion of our earthy resources? How can we socialize, without over population? How can we exercise choice, without leaving others without choice? How can be our authentic self, wile serving the society well?

In this frame of reality, Aquarius asks us to forget gender, status or occupation, but it does speak of integrity, cleanness in ethical principles, asking us of inclusion, only after detachment from what does not serve well. Aquarius acts as liberator, the carrier of knowledge, while pouring the stellar plasma, which is our unified Ida river of energy flow, connecting our left and right breathing channels of Pingala and Suchumana, our circulatory system, streaming through our higher mind, that activates through the nervous system with our motor, the heart. This plasma is the electric circuit of the blood river in the body. The heart, ruled by opposite sign Leo, is considered by the ancients as the Main Brain. Even if you brain is dead, the heart still remains working. The heart is the precious stone, which Egyptians weight against feather. Encrusted with our golden memories or sour kraut anger? The heart emitting yellow light, creative Prana, is the center of our own Body-Planet. This central point, from which the upper and the lower part stretches. This heart axes are the strength and will power, that Leo sign presents. Are we ready to enter this Aquarian Age? Are we unified and yet independent enough not to feel lonely in World, which is full of contradictions, while all seems to function upside down? Are we ready to be responsible drivers of our solar ships and extend our rays far and beyond? Before we can fully enter the colors of the Aquarian space and dance like a fireflies in the night skies, we have to master transmutation of sexual energy, or power yoga. We have to have master pranayama, mantra and prayer, so we would be able to emit light, while collecting honey for the service of flowers to enjoy honey eating. We have to know the higher principle of love is the intelligent love of truth and compassion.

After the achievement of unity of the two Piscean polarities, whether done through yoga, dancing, devoted work or use of natural medicine, the unity within should have freed us from the need of methods by now. Mastery through sacrifice, practice of forgiveness and exercise of imagination, symbols of the Aquarian gates. When done correctly, under the supervision of the opposite of Pisces, the sign of Virgo, the result is purified by separation of the bad grains, leaving only what’s useful and serves. This is the Mercury intelligence that nourishes and trades, without depleting others and the Earth. Watching my grandma in her garden, plucking out the dry leaf and grass around her crops, throwing the bigger stones out of the dirt to preserve and give space for the plants to grow. This is the Virgo observant hand, which nourishes the soil, while separating the undesired from what prevents the flowers to grow. This kind of earthy control, is the very foundation of Virgo, which has been pulling the Pisces paradigm in order to succeed its spiritual path. Just as a parent would select the child what films to watch. There are films in this Neptune inspired Age, that support the imagination in us and other which provoked fears. As we transit the borders of this Ages, our imagination will be the tool for creation and our fears, setting the limitations upon it. As emotional purity and intellectual hygiene give strength on this heroes journey crossroad.

But are we ready to embody this knowledge, or we fear the “illuminati”? Giving them the power, instead of accumulating it, would be a mistake. Likewise, stretching in yoga postures, eating soy beans and drinking rice milk, does not justify purity of the soul. As anything else, the path of the occult and enlightenment is like a rabbit hole. Not everyone can be initiated and not everyone will be ever prepared for the harsh reality, revealed for those who reject to exist in otherwise submissive position. Everyone can choose to bite the apple or remain obedient to the imposed reality. As a children we were told about monsters and bad witches and yes, they are real. But what do they mean to you, it is ones own journey to define. In each of us there is a shadow residing. This shadow plays initiation role, once we are aware of it. This quality is perhaps one of the main tools in the processes to distinct truth from illusion. Requiring experience and vision through the veil, that is hard to attain, unless strengthening practices have kept the child within alive, while the body and the mind well stretched.

Imperfect balances
Aquarius ask us to reconnect with the imagination of spirit, authentic, inspiring and free from any conditioning intellectual parameters. While Leo asks us to be brave, innocent like children, curious to learn through play, to become our own Suns. To master your inner Sun, one needs to develop energy balance, mastering the magisterium of fire, streaming golden Buddha light, sitted in protective triangular Padmasana pose. To be unbreakable, while calm and yet full of energy. Padmasana is the pose which grounds our fiery relational energy to the roots, while letting our stream energy, to pull us towards the skies, beyond the stars. As a golden flower, we open for the cosmic bees to collect from our knowledge, remaining calm within our own solar center and joyful for anyone who comes along. We duft aromas and with curious mind communicate with other flowers, while swimming in the dirty pond.
We are perfect within our imperfections, because we understand that all is subliminal owe, every minute the conditions might change, but our soul remains… and no matter how dry our stems become, we are connected through the juices from the Earth below, streaming intergalactic knowledge. Every yoga Asana we will ever make, every movement, every coffee, jump, walk and yawn, will align us back with skies. Creating mirror projections in different dimensions, we never stop breathing. Each breath, is life within. Each inhale, is healing on cellular level. And yet, we do not need to heal. We need to just put breath into pain and open memory leafs. Every leaf, stored history in dew drop shape. Memory is painful, because it is attachment, which programs us to believe in I. Who is I? Human has only specific amount of breaths. Make every breath count in the making of your solar sword. The warrior of light, has to build through this pain the truth sword, that no one else can carry for. This is the sword, that protects the soft child within. Because you is I -Leo, the child and I is ALL-Aquarius, we are one-collective consciousness, build upon the swords of truth we carry.

Brave heart temple
In the next age chapter, we will define who is I and who is We. And how every individual consciousness, realm of intelligent thought materialises. We will work with the High Mind yellow chakra, which is the lens towards the heart. Our eye is often blurred with trauma stains. What withholds us from having crystal clear inner eye, are many strings, energy attachments and false color lenses. Seeing reality as it is and yet contemplating with our own growth. It is a interconnection play. Play of how we see the World and dance through the Maya curtains. Most of us conditioned by parents, society, status, school etc. have lost the child power of creativity. We all can create. We are all powerful to make any action in the form of art, creating sacred geometrical alignments. We were not born to choose between servant or master. Architects of the future, this is were we came to be active participants in the play of life. Parents learning from children and not vice versa. Children radiate pure creativity energy. The kind, which humanity needs now for empowerment of recreation. How to bring back our inner child using the “lion’s roar”, while channeling our dreams? Dream yoga practices is one powerful practice, which could serve anyone and everyone.
When we fall asleep, we drop below the dualistic ego. We temporarily disconnect from the superficial layers of mind and connect to our shared awakened nature—our collective buddhanature.
Leo symbolizing the guiding parent, creative love and care, while holding on to own sovereignty. Being your own king, making your own kingdom shine. Today we live in cities, close to each other and yet, separated. Leo string ask us to create and empower our inner Kingdoms. Expressing dignity while standing for our beliefs, like the white lions of Africa, who carry the torch of light high. This flame can burn cities, if the Leo power is badly dignified. The dark side of the fiery sign, represents the Dogma of the Church, which killed millions in the name of Christianity religion, building churches on the hills, were once pagan rites adored the mother Goddess. Badly dignified Leo, acts with arrogance, revengeful and full on pride. The kind of tyrant, pictured in the face of many Roman Rulers, where noble honor was displaced by thirst for domineering power over the World in need for glorification. The other kind of Lion’s dark side was seen in the Wizard of Oz. Representing the self pitying, hurt self, which could not recognize his own powers, does acting cowardly. The lion, which needs lot of attention, seeking through admiration to fill up the gaps in his own belief, lacking self love, which is the ultimate ignition for the Lion’s heart.
Without self love, narcissistic tendencies appear and as we see often in humanity, trauma creates more trauma. The difference between the Parquet Lion and the White Lion are in their action. One is only to shine for the crowd amusement and the second one is to serve. Because only through service to its people, the King truly shines. And Leo is the crowned brave heart, the power, which resides only in the taking of the authority, expressing courage, generosity and compassion, in order to become royal guard of the tribe and the dignity he presents. This is the mythological king who punished himself, when someone in his kingdom did wrong.

There is the royal star of the Leo constellation, Regulus- the “heart of the Lion”, which recently moved from the Leo’s Heart, into the constellation of Tropical Virgo. Due to the Precession of the Equinoxes, this major shift created something, which can be translated as a change of Royalty from masculine to feminine sign. I wrote about it, at the time of this shift, which for me signifies the empowerment of the “Virgin Mary”, in all of us. The beast after all acts in direct motion, lighted by this intuitive yellow beam. But we have entered an new paradigm of intuition, which requires precision and nurturing, the kind which the Madonna of the skies can provide. Perhaps this marks a new beginning for the Matriarchate, challenging the direct masculine actions, which carry in negative motion assertiveness, competition and destructive energies, when not channeled properly. We have entered age of fixed masculine signs Leo-Aquarius, that should create inspiring, creative and intelligent fire. The new way of governing, will be the one without ruling. It will be done in a manner of simply carrying.

One cannot serve for the greater good unless he is detached and able to see the full spectrum. The negative trails of Aquarian magic can be division of society, while disregarding others. The danger is also in this Aquarius inspired humanism, that we help and support the “dark side”. Meaning, that at times Aquarian energy acts as it “knows all” and is “better than others”… being smart pants and letting “lower mind” hang. Here we need the warm caring heart of Leo to empower “progress for all”, but under the supervision of Saturn, who teaches in distinction between right and wrong. Saturn as the Lord of cause and effect, acts as grand separator for what is not serving well. Leo’s can act as “needy for reassurance children”, that they are doing right and are good and here Saturn can be the teacher, so they can channel ideas, creativity and passion and radiate for all. The Aquarius independent approach, can often lead towards detachment and coldness, which prevents mutuality and stagnates the heart. Both astrological signs, have hard time on learning, because their energy is fixed Yang, they express in a ways active warmth. Their power is in the “original thought” and one of the most useful tools in the World is “imagination”. Perhaps we are not even in the Age of Aquarius, but in whole new constellation we never birthed from before? Let us stand on the ecliptic and imagine our ship.

Are we brave and open enough for new ideas, learning and loving with detachment? This is the call of this “New Age” paradigm. The call for unification of purpose, interconnection, so we can explore space and live on Earth as is the Paradise, which is no were else to be found, but here now and within. We have much to do before we can get to this point of “freeing our minds”. Saturn asks us to serve and work hard, so nothing will be freely given without steady work towards common progress. But Saturn here should have already learned from the previous sign Capricorn, everything about Location Astrology, sacred geometry, masonry, planning and tribal responsibilities. Here in the sign of the streaming water of knowledge, we pour the concrete base of our temples and start building the monuments, from which we can be closer to our stellar Gods.
But what are the false presumptions and dangers of this New Age movement? It is the intelligence of a nurse, that can serve and care, without being emotionally involved. It is the soul purpose to be able to distinguish between compassion and toxic relation. Healthy boundary needed in order to prevent trauma bonds, that seem to come with this New Age movement. What about the yearning attachment towards reaching “enlightenment”? Hopefully by now, we have grounded our desires through yoga practices and feel perfection in the space and time we experience. By now we should never feel lonely, misunderstood and isolated, instead we have reached powerful unity with our three bodies and stand firm in our own truth.

Let your mind on Brain Adventure
Sometimes you don’t have to go far in order to encounter magical synchronicity and visits from spirits. As a little girl, I was mesmerised by the crystal clear surface of mountain lakes. As eyes reflecting the skies, they seemed of a intergalactic openings, where I would camp on large rocky stones, creating villages for my heroes. They were imaginary friends found in stone cracks, flower buds and chopped wood sticks. Plants, insects and stones made perfect heroes. I could spend hours lost in the mountain lake areas playing with fairies.
How to preserve the child inside needs its own story. If you still read this, then you must appreciate my almost automotive channeled instinctual blabber, where my pen dipped in the space ink. It is so hard to write without purpose, to detach from reason. And I remember as a painter age around nine, my “making art abilities” became corrupted. How? Well, I painted since I was five years old. I had my first exhibition age seven and sold most of my works. My drawing circle teacher would kept me isolated from the other kids, so I did not disturb them with my endless story telling mind fart. In my drawings humans had huge black hands with long extended fingers, reminding of tree roots. This very hands gave me this distinct signature in drawing. I loved to draw trees and at age of seven, my work shows first signs of ecological thinking and compassion towards animals. Soon after I started to change my style, copying other girls, who I visualized as more clean and precise in their work. I begun painting typical girly princesses, getting lost in their ideas and what “nice painting” should look like.

It is approximately at this age of seven, I would say, that I begun questioning myself. Disbelieving in my craft and the World around. The World rejected my natural ways, my visions, were restrained. Some teachers pushed this process even further by telling me I “write as with my feet”. I was confused… I did not fit the “norms” I wanted to fit so much into. Put in between the need to stop or copy, I decided to stop drawing, soon after two of my best friends got into art college and my application was rejected. They had “important contacts”, who gave them the chance to study art. I felt deeply hurt, realizing the unfairness of life. My idealism and expectations, created so many contradiction emotions in the heart. Rejected and abandoned children grow with inflicted pain, toward the society. This was very heavy on my imagination and I begun declining in curiosity and passion to learn at school. I hated school and did everything in my capability to show it. This turned me of course into troubled teenager, growing dark gothic hidden feelings. This is what the “System” does to us…. at least some of us. And this is the moment we loose “ourselves”, in order to fit. We become children of obedience, in order not to disappoint. We start punishing ourselves and hide our true nature. Developing all forms of addictions and attachments, to cover this inner pain. We start “self loath processes” or other traits, which does not necessarily end badly, because many take this feelings of “society rejection”, making the best of it. But many are not capable of finding this strength. Turning into sad old children, who live unhappy lives, seeking pleasure in short term joy. Perhaps goths are the natural sensitive children, who still resides in many of us, who see through the system cracks. This are the broken kids, which I speak about. This is where the Authority Saturn needs to approve that imagination and curiosity as the most precious attributes one should preserve at any cost and push gently for achievement. This is where the Leo joyous smile resides, when the spirit is left to create freely. Leo is the basic ruler of the 5th house of joy, creativity, talents and children. It is the house before the cycle turns into duty 6th.
Let us support originality and different visions… even if they don’t make sense. Let us build that rainbow, we all so much need today. Let us look around, nature has such an amazing creations, gifts, we are blessed to have in our lives. There is so much color, shape and mysteries, which the child wants to discover. Lets play!

* If any of the images used in my blog are your brilliant stars, please drop a line, so I can give a proper credit and link back to your work.