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We are the Shamans – Solar Candle

Original price was: € 32.00.Current price is: € 21.00.

This Solar- Solstice Candle, makes perfect addition to your home altar. This mountain crystal candle, was carefully created for the darkest time of the year, here at the northern Hemisphere. When our Sun slows, crossing the solstice axes, it is quiet involution time for self introspection and recharge. All Onca Ritual Offerings are simple celebration of the eternal fire within and symbolic totem of the Onca Panthera. Each candle piece was made in honor to the natural forces, the animal and indigenous spirits. Everyone is free to give their individual power of intention. 10% of the offerings, will be donated to the Sami tribes of Lapland. “We are the shamans” is a call for self empowerment and care one another.

Encapsulated in double wick clay pot, sealed with hand painted lid, wrapped in crepe paper and placed in biodegradable gift box. Each candle was hand crafted for over ten hours. Infused with herbs and essential oils. The wax was poured on elected day and assigned Luminary hour, indicated with the given Chart. This was the auspicious Jupiter in Sagittarius period, when the Guru planet was departing from the Galactic Center to meet with the Venusian Goddess. This was astral celebration of beauty, which ignites nicely the Solar King’s wick. Only four Sun- Solstice Celebration Candles were created for this occasion.


This Solar- Solstice Candle, makes perfect addition to your home altar. Topped with mountain crystal, this candle was carefully created for the darkest time of the year, here at the northern Hemisphere. When our Sun slows, crossing the solstice axes, it is quiet involution time for self introspection and recharge. All Onca Ritual Offerings are simple celebration of the eternal fire within and symbolic totem of the Onca Panthera. Each candle piece was made in honor to the natural forces, the animal and indigenous spirits. Everyone is free to give their individual power of intention. 10% of the offerings, will be donated to the Sami tribes of Lapland. “We are the shamans” is a call for self empowerment and care one another.

Encapsulated in double wick clay pot, sealed with hand painted lid, wrapped in crepe paper and placed in biodegradable gift box. Each candle was hand crafted for over ten hours. Infused with herbs and essential oils. The wax was poured on elected day and assigned Luminary hour, indicated with the given Chart. This was the auspicious Jupiter in Sagittarius period, when the Guru planet was departing from the Galactic Center to meet with the Venusian Goddess. This was astral celebration of beauty, which ignites nicely the Solar King’s wick. Only four Sun- Solstice Celebration Candles were created for this occasion.


Atlas Cedar – tranquilizer, harmonious, earthy and woody aroma
Frankincense – rejuvenating, spicy, woody, balsamic aroma
Patchouli – warm, spicy, musky and sensuous scent
Sweet Orange – uplifting, cheerful, boosting aroma
Francincense – woody, earthy, spicy aroma
Bergamont – sweet, bitter, orange, stimulating scent


Chocolate Rum – delicious, woody scent
Liquorice – soft blackcurrant, raspberry and aniseed aroma
Coffee – warm, fresh, dark scent


Juniperus communis (Juniper Berries)

Juniper is native to the northern hemisphere and is common in Canada, Scandinavia, and Siberia. It is usually found on heaths and moors but can also be found as undergrowth in mixed forests. Juniper is an erect evergreen coniferous shrub or a small tree which can grow up to ten meters tall.

The needle like leaves, consisting of whorls of three, are light green below and dark green above. The plant bears female globose cones and small male cones on separate plants. These cones are usually referred to as the juniper berries. The green fruits appear on the female plant and take around three years to ripen, eventually turning dark blue or black in color.

Juniper has feminine and masculine energies. The ripe cones or “berries” flavor gin, Chartreuse, pates, and game. Native Americans boiled the “berries” to treat colds and burned the needles as incense. Juniper was widely used as incense in Sumer, Babylon and Egypt for spiritual purposes and to honor both Goddesses and Gods. It is sacred specifically to Inanna who was later called Ishtar. Centuries later in Europe, branches of Juniper were smoldered and carried around fields and farms to release their protective energies, guarding both livestock and crops. It was also considered to be a guardian of the veil between the worlds.

Juniper has a distinctive aroma that is woody, sweet, fresh and crisp. Juniper makes a fine purifying and sanctifying incense allied with various planets. Juniper berries contain the planetary metal for Jupiter (tin), and their color and warming action suits that planet as well. The spicy warmth of Juniper berries purifies the aura, clarifies thought, and protects from negativity.

Salvia officinalis (Sage)

Sage was the “Sacred Herb” of the Greeks, who considered it a panacea, a cure for all ills. “Cur moriatur homo cui Salvia crescit in horto? (Why should a man die whilst sage grows in his garden?) The corresponding English proverb states: “He that would live for aye, Must east Sage in May.”

As might be expected, Sage has been recommended at various times as a cure for almost any problem conceivable. But certain uses of the plant have stood the test of time. A solution of sage (dissolved in water) is an effective cure for various mouth and throat conditions. Internally, it has been shown to be effective in reducing sweating and perspiration (caused by fever, etc). And because of its “estrogen-like” activity, it has been used to normalize menstrual problems, induce menstrual flow, dry up breast milk flow when time to wean, and alleviate other female disorders.

During the Middle Ages in Europe, it was noticed that the appearance of certain plants, either by their shape or color, resembled the human body, or a certain part of the body. In those days, there was a good measure of mysticism involved in the field of herbal medicine, and it was thought that this resemblance, or “signature” dictated the therapeutic use of the herb in question. This is the doctrine of “signatures.” Probably the best known example of this is Ginseng. Because the root is shaped like a man’s body, it was deemed useful in treating numerous “general” afflictions. Surprisingly, even though this sounds simplistic, it turns out that many of the conclusions drawn by these early herbalists have been shown to indeed result in effective remedies.

Sage was the sacred plant of the Greeks, who considered it to be a panacea. Modern chemists have defined its composition, and pharmacologists have confirmed many of the properties attributed to it by popular medicine. A table can be drawn up as follows (1): -An essential oil (1 to 2%) containing thujone, responsible for its anti-perspirant action (which has been studied by several researchers (2) and for its emmenagogic properties. Although Sage contains thujone, it has not been reported to be toxic.

Numerous polyphenois and flavonoids, most likely responsible for the choleretic (3), anti-spasmodic (4) and hormonal action. The hormonal action is of the oestrogenic type (someone has recently (5) described Sage as a typical ‘Plant oestrogen’).

Tannin, which give Sage – when used externally – astringent and healing properties (6). -A bitter principle: picrosalvin, to which Sage owes its anti-microbial action.

Quercus robur (Oak Bark)

This herb for protection spells and fertility charms is connected to thunder gods like Jupiter. Its bark contains the planet’s metal, tin. Magically, it is good for strong, expansive endeavors and for removing negative magic. This magic herb is an ingredient in a Druidic tea for lust and strength.

Oak is used to bring protection against the ferocity of the elements and the dangers of life. Oak is often used to ask for divine assistance in having our needs met. A tree as long lived and strong as the Oak naturally offers Magickal protection. It also symbolises protection, abundance, fertility, longevity, endurance and triumph. Oak has been used to unite one with the Gods and Goddesses.

Oak can either used in an incense or placed within a talisman bag will give the bearer the ability to withstand the lightening blasts of spiritual awareness while remaining firmly rooted in the material or earthly plane. Can also be hung over windows and doors to protect all who reside within from negative/evil spirits.

As The Oak is masculine it is an ideal wood for the construction of any tool that needs the male influence such as Athames, certain Wands and Staffs. Today many believe there is no wand as sacred as one that has been made with Oak as it is imbued with great power.

The Yule log should always be of Oak. Before the log burns away, always save a small portion for the kindling of the following years Yule celebrations. The remaining ashes should be strewn throughout the land to bring good fortune and wealth in the coming year.

Oak Galls, known as Serpent’s Eggs, were used in magical charms. Acorns bring fertility and abundance to any endeavour. Acorns gathered at night hold the most fertility powers. Burning Oak leaves, aids in purifying the atmosphere.


The mountain crystal provides light and has a clarifying effect on all chakras. Through its harmonizing vibrations, the stone provides a positive effect on all chakras and clears our aura. It is advisable to use the mountain crystal with other healing stones because of its relaxing effect. The mountain crystal functions as a filter and helps us to receive the beams of other healing stones. It has a special effect on the apex-chakra and the mountain crystal is the central stone of the seven chakras.


100% soy wax to provide a non-toxic, clean burning scented candle was hand poured in painted and glazed clay pot on selected auspicious Moon.

Essential oils have the capacity to change the electrical frequency of the body. When frequencies drop, disease sets in. Essential oils have the highest frequency of any substance known. As living substances, their frequency is harmonic with the human frequency. When we come in contact with them, our body frequency is raised to a degree that we become inhospitable to pathogenic organisms.

The form and the paint of each candle vary. Each piece was individually crafted. The candle weights about 300 – 400 gr, with size around 9 ø and height of 6 cm. Each candle burns unique amount of hours, depending on many factors. Lit candle is recommended to be burned until the whole wax liquefies before extinguishing it, otherwise the wax will creates “rings”. If rings were created, it is easy to scrub them off the pot walls helping them melt down. It is not desirable to leave the candle untended. After the burning the empty clay candle pot could make fine jewelry case.

Please note: As soy wax cools, it can pull away from the pot and create an effect known as “frosting” which looks like air bubbles. This is completely normal and to be expected. In fact, it’s a easy way to tell if your candle is 100% soy, as some companies will add a small amount of paraffin or other additives to eliminate this effect.

Candle Care:
– Burning candles should always be in a safe place and never left unattended or with children/pets.
– Do not burn candle completely, and dispose of it when it reaches its base and/or holder.
– Crystals can charged by Full Moonlight/Sunlight, and cleansed with warm sea salt water and/or sage.

((DISCLAIMER!!! The dried herbs and flowers will catch fire when the candle is at the end.))


As a shaman you cannot heal your own wounds, but you can help others. As a shaman you can connect to the animal kingdom, which proceeds us. Through animals we were reincarnated as humans. We have evolved and yet our animal instincts can help us align with our force. This is the pure animalistic internal power of will, navigating us to self empowering. We can use the spirit animal as a intuitive source of awareness. This is a journey far beyond our mental state.

Our devotion to the dark hour, where we find peace and solitude into the subconscious realm is a perfect time for meditation and observation. Since ancient days fire is symbol of the truth, power and enlightenment. Lighting fire with intention and bringing thought into it, is very old simple magical practice. This particular candle was dedicated for the most important celebrations of all The Winter Solstice. This is the time when the Sun is actually closest to our Earth. The time when the nature in the Northern Hemisphere goes to sleep during the Scorpio transformation month. During the Sagittarius period, the dream dwells deep towards the Galactic Center, where it awaits to be reborn. With the emerging of the Sea Goat Capricorn from the depths of our Dreams, this dreams starts crystallizing and forming into the kind of oyster pearl we are able and willing to create. The Goat builds steadily and slowly, so patience is needed. But this crystallization is the back bone of the Bahomet’s half animal half woman God. This metamorphosis of our human nature, reminds us of our true nature. The evocation of spirit animal within us.

Onca is the feline shape-shifter. Dedicated to the Panthera, this series has the aim to inspire old traditions, such as shamanism. To restore and connect our visions to the astral spectrum of divine light. Also to promote the less popular understanding of the true meaning of the Christmas celebrations. The Winter Solstice rituals and their meanings are essential to our growth and noble strength as humanity. At the time when the Christ is born from the dark hour of Hades, meaning that the Sun emerges from below and the day hours are beginning to grow, it is the most important time for the initiation of our thoughts and for their materialization.

If Santa was imposed as the the popular funny big red man, who magically brings joy to all good kids, in reality we all can be Santa’s, if we understood the natural laws and lived ethical life according to them. Santa or Saints? If we would be able to create this pleasant image for ourselves and become the Gandalf, the Guru, the joyful old man, who often can be also seen either as Jupiter, but why not as Saturn as well? After all Saturn is giving gifts to those who have done their good work and lived long life, but of course in traditional astrology he is considered to be taught on the children, so he ate them as the Cronus tail tells. Why? Because he wanted to teach them taught lessons… every thirty years he will come around to check if there was improvement of adulthood and if not, then yes, suffering and isolation might occur.

In Mythology, Jupiter-Zeus was saved by the Goat-Nyph Goddess Amalthea and so the goat, is the savior of motherly wisdom, to conclude. The Capricorn is yin symbol holding ancient feminine wisdom of the preserver with prudence and soberness, but also the Pan, the pro-creator. It is the master builder of our reality. The Matrix Gate cardinal keeper. Because through this Gate, the souls leave this realm.

How we gonna build this reality is in our own hands. We can recognize the magical potency of the evergreen Christmas Tree, which resides in each of us. Remaining playful as a baby goat, youthful in the heart, sharing inclusiveness with its tribe, through humble devotion and joy for servitude. The goat priest wisdom, is not to be wasted, has to be accumulated with hard work and patience. And by meditative practices, which are stimulating our pineal glad. Yes, the Christmas tree is connected to the spinal cord as revealed by ancient esoteric Indian stories. After we activate our antenna, with meditation for example, we can accumulate natural production of DMT inside our pineal glands and light up our STAR on top of the “Christmas tree”. Our lights can reach then far into the vast space, time and galaxy, empowering our true being. Made of star dust. Yes, this might sound fantastic, but YOU ARE THE SHAMAN. What is your totem animal?

Shamans are healers, who use plant magic to connect to your spirit animal and communicate with the forces. This natural forces are our Gods, the wind, the seas, the stars, the Planets and so on. Shamans are healers of others. If you have the power and are pure at heart, you would be able to transmit correctly the starlight and could see the animal spirit of others. Now hop on and ride the magical deer…. he will show you the Milky Way, yes, more about this will be future in here:

++++++++++++++++++ LEGAL STUFF ++++++++++++++++++

Although they may smell edible, our products are NOT for human consumption. FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY. No liability will be assumed by OnçaRitualOfferings for any claims arising out of the misuse or otherwise of these items or any other product sold or made by OnçaRitualOfferings.

OnçaRitualOfferings products and statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Nor is it intended to prescribe in any way.

Safety precautions : All products are for external use only. Keep away from eye area.

Weight 300-400 kg
Dimensions 6 × 9 × 6 cm


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